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1471 search results for: China


Energy vs. Water in China and the U.S.

Business Ramifications Discussion: Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 Thanks for joining on our call. If you missed it, or wish to review the transcript you may do so at the bottom of the page. Click here to jump to the Energy vs. Water in China and the US transcript. Photo; Aaron Jaffe / Circle of Blue […]


Infographic: Interactive Timeline Mapping China’s Drought-ridden Provinces Since 2007

Water scarcity is becoming an increasingly persistent problem for China, with droughts affecting several regions over the last four years. This spring’s extreme weather is the latest in a series of water shortages, exposing the risks that limited freshwater resources pose for the world’s biggest agricultural producer, top energy consumer, and fastest-growing industrial economy. Click […]


The Stream, June 6: Heavy Rains Relieve China’s Drought

Heavy rainfall over the weekend has eased the effects of the prolonged drought in central and eastern China, Xinhua reports. The rains are expected to continue over the next few days. Meanwhile, spring rains and melting winter snowpack have caused heavy flooding in central South Dakota, threatening to raise the Missouri River to record levels, […]


The Stream, June 1: Drought in China

Food prices for staple crops such as maize will more than double by 2030, and the world will enter a permanent food crisis, charity Oxfam warns in a new report that also calls for European countries to abandon subsidies and higher production targets for biofuels. China Drought Shanghai is facing the longest dry spell in […]


The Stream, May 30: China’s Looming Power Crisis

China’s worsening power crisis leaves it few long-term options but to raise consumer electricity prices and swallow a dose of inflation, Reuters argues in an analysis of the country’s power shortages, as a lingering drought in southern and central China is also crippling the hydropower output. China Meanwhile, the water woes in the Yangtze River […]


Voice of America: Circle of Blue on China’s Worst Drought in 50 Years

From Voice of America: Cities and provinces along the Yangtze River in central China are grappling with the country’s worst drought in more than 50 years. Resource analysts say the drought highlights not only the impact of climate change, but also China’s persistent problem of water scarcity and how it must balance that with the […]


The Stream, May 4: China’s Energy

The golf course market is enjoying a bonanza in China despite a government ban on the construction of new golf courses, according to the Financial Times. Learn more about the water impacts and governance challenges of China’s golf course development from this China Environment Forum presentation. Is China entering the strategic shale gas race? This […]