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239 search results for: arsenic


Federal Water Tap, November 28: Army Corps To Evict Dakota Access Pipeline Protest Camp

The Rundown Pipeline protesters face December 5 deadline to move camp. U.S. regulators grant another permit to a cross-border electricity transmission line that will boost imports of Canadian hydropower. Nine oil and gas companies develop endangered species habitat plan in the Marcellus Shale region. The EPA rejects many of Washington state’s proposed water quality standards. […]


The Stream, November 11: India Supreme Court Rules States Must Share Water

The Global Rundown A decision by India’s Supreme Court invalidated a Punjab law that rescinded its river-sharing agreements with neighboring states. At the same time, Punjab is contending with declining groundwater levels that put its dairy industry at risk. Millions of dollars meant to help Bangladesh adapt to climate change were returned to donors after […]


The Stream, September 28: Philippines May Suspend More Mines On Environmental Concerns

The Global Rundown A government audit of environmental violations could force the suspension of more than a dozen mines in the Philippines. Indigenous protestors in Peru’s Amazon are blockading a river until the country’s new president and other government officials meet with them to discuss problems associated with oil development. Pakistan signaled that it would […]


The Stream, August 30: Groundwater Contaminated In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal

The Global Rundown Poor water quality means the majority of groundwater in the basin stretching across northern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal is unfit for human use. The period in time since humans began significantly altering the planet should be officially recognized as a new geological epoch, called the Anthropocene, according to an expert working […]


The Stream, August 17: U.S. Unveils Supercomputer Flood Forecasting

The Global Rundown A new tool will allow federal forecasters to track hourly the water conditions in rivers and streams across the United States. In the past year, the U.S. has experienced eight floods of a magnitude that statistically occurs only once every 500 years. Federal water managers also predicted this week that low water […]


The Stream, June 29: Pollutants, Agriculture, And Expanding Populations Stress Water Reserves

The Global Rundown Pollutants continue to taint vital groundwater supplies in the United States and India, even as informed government agencies fail to act. Swedish scientists say they are one step closer to cracking cost-effective hydrogen energy. Water ATMs may prove an innovative solution to Kenya’s water crisis. Meanwhile, reimagining agricultural practices in Asia and the Caribbean could hold the key to surviving unprecedented droughts. […]


The Stream, June 3: Drought and Doubt Rise While Water Levels Fall

The Global Rundown Water levels in India’s 91 reservoirs are at the lowest points in a decade and water levels are also falling in aquifers– which supply 85 percent of the country’s drinking water. More than two decades of U.S. Geological Survey data show what contaminants are increasing in the United States groundwater, and which are […]