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1105 search results for: australia


Australia’s Epic Drought, a Warning of Global Water Scarcity: “The Biggest Dry”

Carried by: CSRwire TRAVERSE CITY, MI (March 10, 2009) — Not since the American Dust Bowl of the early 20th century has an industrialized nation sustained more damage from drought and water scarcity in its prime food-growing region than in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin. This, according to an extensive multimedia report published today by Circle of […]


Here’s Something New in Australia: A Plan That Takes Water from Agriculture

At First Aghast, Victoria Grower Leads Campaign in Support of Water-Saving Construction The sun-dried expanse between Shepparton and Deniliquin, New South Wales, is dotted with irrigated hay, wheat and other crops by Keith Schneider Photographs by J. Carl Ganter Circle of Blue Reports Northern Victoria is so flat that it takes a few days for […]


Monsoon of Ash: Drought Ravaged Australia on Fire

Parched to a crisp, Australia’s prayers for rain seem to have fallen on sadistic ears. Instead of a quenching downpour, the southern curve of the continent now fights raging flames. The fires flying across Victoria and New South Wales have claimed over 100 lives, reports the BBC. It is the deadliest blaze in Australia’s history. […]


Australian States Legislate Rescue Team for Murray-Darling Basin

Victoria, the final state to sign a water bill that allows the Commonwealth to manage the river basin waterways, finally consented. According to the Australian Broadcast Corporation (ABC), the bill gives the Commonwealth the right to establish a Murray-Darling Basin Authority to control funding that should aid the drought-stricken region. Victorian Water Minister Tim Holding […]


Tech-savvy Australia computes drought solutions

Could technology help alleviate the dilemma facing the Murray-Darling River Basin? Professor Gary Jones of eWater Cooperative Research Centre thinks it can and now he has six million dollars to prove it. RiverManager, a forecasting tool that connects groundwater data with surface water science, allows those in charge to allocate diversions and monitor the health […]


Information Flow: Australian Senate Deliberates How to Save Murray-Darling

In worried response to a rapidly desiccating Murray-Darling river basin, the Australian Senate just approved an inquiry into the availability of current supplies. The inquiry is to report back with options for emergency use in September. Coalition environment spokesman Greg Hunt hopes the push for information also provides resources — whether liquid or paper — […]


Water Thieves Are Terrorists, Declares Australian Premier

Australia’s Murray-Darling river basin is drying up. As the water levels drop, South Australia’s Premier Mike Rann declares that diversion from the basin is an act of environmental terrorism and should be treated as a crime against the Australian people. “It is a criminal offence, and anyone siphoning water off illegally, in my view, should […]


Aboriginal Landowners Win Water Rights in Australia

Australia’s High Court recently ruled that Aborigines have the right to use their water and protect it too. The victory gives the traditional landowners in Australia’s Northern Territory the right to deny fishing in up to 80 percent of the territory’s coastal waters. Known as the Blue Mud Bay case, the court’s reaction to the […]