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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, June 3: Energy Shortages

Radioactive water rising in Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant could start overflowing from service trenches within days and leak into the sea, Bloomberg reports. With scarce coal and water resources, Tianjin — China’s third biggest city — is bracing for electricity shortfalls that could reach 1.5 gigawatts this summer, Reuters reports. France’s record spring […]


The Stream, May 17: Energy for Europe

A five-month drought has gripped China’s Hubei Province at the source of the central line of the South-North Water Transfer Project, UPI reports. Read more about the project on Circle of Blue. Although the prolonged dry spell in France this spring has not affected the country’s nuclear power output, Electricite de France SA — Europe’s […]


The Stream, May 4: China’s Energy

The golf course market is enjoying a bonanza in China despite a government ban on the construction of new golf courses, according to the Financial Times. Learn more about the water impacts and governance challenges of China’s golf course development from this China Environment Forum presentation. Is China entering the strategic shale gas race? This […]


The Stream, May 2: Energy Peak

Surprisingly to some, carbon emissions and energy in the United States and China will peak and stabilize in the 2030s after which they will increase much less, according to a new study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Read more details here. South Africa said it would conduct a comprehensive feasibility study of hydraulic fracking […]


The Stream, April 26: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Food has quickly become the hidden driver of world politics, Foreign Policy writes, and the world is losing its ability to soften the effect of its resource shortages. How do food, energy, population and water policies fit the big puzzle? Saudi Arabia, one of the countries most at risk of water and grain shortages, has […]


Federal Water Tap, April 18: Energy in the Western U.S.

Energy in the West Several federal agencies are mulling permits for energy projects. The U.S. Forest Service is considering making more than 660,000 acres in western Nevada’s Humboldt-Toiyabe forest available for geothermal leasing. A draft environment impact statement (EIS) is being prepared for release in October. The Bureau of Land Management has released a final […]


The Stream, April 4: America’s Energy Policy

British Petroleum will resume drilling 10 existing wells in the Gulf of Mexico as early as July this year, the Financial Times reports. BP has committed to transparency and new safety measures in return, but environmental groups are up in arms. Opinion This op-ed by The Economist explains why President Barack Obama’s plans to wean […]


The Stream, March 31: Energy and Water

A British energy company has begun drilling for shale gas in Lancashire, UPI reports. Great Britain’s hydraulic fracking debut raises more questions about the future of shale gas extraction in Europe. Reuters gives a breakdown of the energy issues facing the United States. The country plans to decrease its oil imports by one-third in a […]