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274 search results for: murray


The Stream, June 5: International Lenders Abandon Honduras Dam

The Global Rundown All three of the major international financial institutions that loaned money to the Agua Zarca dam in Honduras have withdrawn their support. Cape Town, South Africa is facing down a water crisis of “catastrophic proportions,” according to the city’s mayor. Water levels have reached record lows in Israel’s Sea of Galilee, where […]


The Stream, April 13: Global WASH Spending Not Enough, WHO Report Finds

The Global Rundown Global spending on water, sanitation, and hygiene programs is not sufficient to meet the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, according to a report by the World Health Organization. Water quality remains poor in many areas of Shanghai, despite environmental progress. Cyclone Cook, making landfall in New Zealand today, could be the country’s […]


The Stream, March 24: China’s Cities Must Plan For Sea Level Rise, Researchers Say

The Global Rundown Scientists in China reiterated calls for coastal cities to address flood risks after a government report showed record high sea levels last year. Saskatchewan announced plans to tighten regulations for pipelines near waterways. Mountain snowpack in the western United States, where water content is well above average at many sites, has started […]


The Stream, March 7: Horn of Africa Still Suffering Drought Effects

The Global Rundown Funding shortfalls threaten to curtail humanitarian food and water deliveries in Ethiopia, putting millions of people at risk. Drought is also a driving factor behind violent ranch invasions in Kenya, according to government officials. A government report on Australia’s environment finds that water quality has improved in the Murray-Darling River Basin, but […]


Choke Point: Tamil Nadu

New reporting project describes how drought, storms, and floods are forcing big Indian state to contend with severe water stress. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue TUTICORIN, INDIA — Among the 75 government ministries that manage and regulate this bewitching and impassioned nation, there is no Ministry of the Future. There should be. Narendra Modi, […]


The Stream, December 19: Water Quality Declines in Gaza Aquifer

The Global Rundown The condition of Gaza’s coastal aquifer continues to deteriorate due to a combination of population growth and political pressures. The largest glacier in East Antarctica is thinning, raising concerns about its potential contribution to sea level rise. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa could see some of the worst economic effects from climate change […]


Israel’s Mediterranean Desalination Plants Shift Regional Water Balance

Desalination could remake the region’s politics and ecology. It hasn’t yet. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue TEL AVIV, Israel — The water that flows into Sorek desalination plant is drawn from near the Mediterranean Sea floor. Pumped inland, the water is cleansed, step by step, of salts and impurities. The transmutation does not take […]