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2018 search results for: India


The Stream, August 23: First Chromium Water Standard in U.S.

“Five hundred times higher than safe levels is not protective of public health,” said Avinash Kar, an attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council, in review of a proposal for a drinking water standard in California, Los Angeles Times reported. The carcinogen hexavalent chromium standard, which will be the first of its kind in the […]


Federal Water Tap, August 12: $US 400 Million Pipeline in Colorado

Water Supply The Bureau of Reclamation released a final environmental impact statement for a $US 400 million water pipeline project in southeastern Colorado. The Arkansas Valley Conduit includes roughly 365 kilometers (227 miles) of pipeline plus upgrades to an existing water treatment plant in order to supply 40 towns and water systems currently serving 52,000 […]


The Stream, August 12: Namibia Struggles With Drought

Running Out of Water Some regions of Namibia could see their crop production drop 50 percent below average due to the country’s worst drought in 30 years, the Associated Press reported, citing Namibia’s president. Approximately one third of Namibia’s population faces severe or moderate food insecurity, according to a UNICEF report. Towns in Texas are […]


The Stream, August 6: ‘Unusually Heavy’ Rains Trigger Floods in South Asia

Asia Floods More than 160 people died in Pakistan and Afghanistan during recent flash floods that swept the region, AlertNet reported. Some neighborhoods were flooded waist-deep in Karachi, while farms and homes suffered flood damage in the Afghan provinces of Khost and Nangarhar. India’s Uttarakhand state is still recovering from massive floods and landslides that […]


Water a Key Issue as Developing Countries Drive Growth in Global Food Production

Growing agricultural sectors pose problems for water management and ecosystems. Photo courtesy of Africa Renewal via Flickr Creative Commons Expanding agriculture sectors in developing countries are expected to drive growth in world food production during the next decade, posing challenges for water. Here, a farmer tends to rice fields in Madagascar. Click to see an […]


The Stream, July 23: Pakistan Is One of Most Water-stressed Countries

Water Supply Pakistan is one of the most water-stressed countries in the world, with only a 30-day supply held in reserve, according to a report from the Asian Development Bank. Water shortages, in combination with already widespread energy shortages, could further destabilize the country, The Atlantic reported. Surface and groundwater supplies in Inner Mongolia are […]


The Stream, July 19: Study Concludes Pennsylvania Fracking Did Not Contaminate Drinking Water

United States The Department of Energy now says that contrary to a claim made earlier this year, chemicals from hydraulic fracturing in Pennsylvania did not contaminate drinking water aquifers, Bloomberg News reported. The conclusion comes from a National Energy Technology Laboratory study conducted in Pittsburg, the first ever where a drilling company has allowed government […]


The Stream, July 15: Flooding Risk Prompts Evictions in Manila

Natural Disasters The Philippines government is cracking down on informal settlements along rivers in Manila, with plans to relocate more than 19,000 families from the settlements to permanent housing projects, AlertNet reported. The settlements, which can impede water flow and drainage during floods along rivers, are seen as a safety risk. Nearly 6,000 people are […]