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2018 search results for: India


The Stream, May 30: First Fatality in Sinagpore Dengue Epidemic

Authorities urged caution for people across Singapore as the dengue virus spread unusually quickly this year. A 20-year-old man died Wednesday, The Wall Street Journal reported, the first fatality after 8,000 infections so far this year. Fracking Data A gas industry group called the Marcellus Shale Coalition has critical information about water quality in thousands […]


Sequestration Takes a Big Cut from USGS Water Research Programs

Less money means fewer staff positions and fewer research projects at the nation’s universities. Photo courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey. U.S. Geological Survey scientist Jud Harvey is shown sampling the Six-Mile Brook streambed for mercury contamination in Adirondack State Park, New York. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Two U.S. Geological Survey research programs that […]


The Stream, May 22: Hydropower and the Congo River

Africa Planned hydropower dam projects on the Congo River could generate as much as 40,000 megawatts of electricity, making the Grand Inga system the largest in the world, the Guardian reported. Securing financial backing and buyers for the electricity are still hurdles faced by developers, but the project is gaining momentum. Water levels on Lake […]


The Stream, May 14: Chile Denies Water Deals with Qatar

Chile denied a recent report on deals to export water to Qatar, ABC News reported. The report included a quote by Chilean Ambassador Jean Paul Tarud saying, “Chile has some of the largest fresh water export capabilities in the world.” Public backlash in Chilean social media followed the report. Chile has been suffering from drought […]


TIQ: This Is Qatar

Except for energy, virtually every other feature of Qatar’s national existence comes from someplace else.


The Stream, April 26: Kenya Fights Floods and Drought

Flooding Kenya is struggling to help the 90,000 people displaced by spring floods, which have also destroyed crops, AlertNet reported. The country’s cycle of floods and droughts have spurred calls for better disaster management at the national level. Months after monsoon floods hit southern Pakistan, displaced residents face a difficult road to recovery in 2013, […]