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2018 search results for: India


The Stream, April 19: Drought-hit Midwest Pummeled by Rains

Drought Relief Farm fields across the Midwestern United States were quenched this week as heavy rainstorms over the central part of the country continued to relieve one of the worst droughts in U.S. history, Reuters reported. Grain prices, which were pushed up to record highs last summer due to the drought-damaged U.S. corn crop, could […]


The Stream, April 15: Comprehensive Water Reform Emerging in Texas

In Texas, no water means no business, reporter Kate Galbraith writes in The New York Times. She charts Texas’ multi-pronged water-reform efforts as a severe drought that began in 2010 rolls on. The state Senate, House of Representatives, regulatory agencies, and even court systems are joining the effort. Scarcity by Mismanagement In many places around […]


The Stream, April 12: Water Troubles Holding Back Ghana’s Economy

Water Infrastructure Ghana’s water infrastructure is in such a state of disrepair that it threatens the country’s economic growth, which is predicted to reach 8 percent in 2013, Bloomberg Businessweek reported. Some companies have turned to private water tankers to secure supplies for their factories because of intermittent service. U.S. Natural Disasters A new report […]


The Stream, April 1: Harvard Researcher: China’s Water Woes Will Continue Despite Water Transfer Project

The first phase of China’s South-North Water Transfer Project will be completed this month. Harvard University research fellow Scott Moore argues in The New York Times that despite the project’s unparalleled engineering achievement, it cannot increase supply enough to alleviate China’s overall supply woes. Read Circle of Blue’s coverage of the North-South Transfer Project here. […]