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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, June 20: Deadly Monsoon Rains Displace More than a Million People in India and Bangladesh

The Global Rundown Monsoon floods displace more than one million people in India and Bangladesh. A watchdog report criticizes U.K. water companies for supply failures during this year’s “beast from the east” storm. A new study finds that Pennsylvania’s oil boom has had minimal impact on the state’s groundwater. The United Nations Food and Agriculture […]


The Stream, June 14: Nairobi, Kenya, Seeks New Water Sources as Supply Falls

The Global Rundown Nairobi, Kenya, seeks new water sources amid faltering rainfall. The mayor of Flint, Michigan, pledges to fight “unwarranted” state oversight of the city’s water system. South Africa lifts its drought national disaster as dry conditions ease. New research shows that annual storm-related flood damages could double as coral reefs die off. Water […]


The Stream, June 6: As Tigris River Falls, Turkey Assures Iraq That Ilisu Dam Won’t Cut Off Water Supply

The Global Rundown As Turkey begins filling an upstream reservoir, the country assures Iraq that it will not cut off water supplies to the Tigris River. India aims to cut heat wave deaths with “common sense” policies, including free water. Pumping groundwater can lead to heightened arsenic levels in irrigation and drinking water, a new […]


The Stream, June 5: Egypt Raises Water Prices By Up to 46.5 Percent

The Global Rundown Prices of piped drinking water in Egypt spike by up to 46.5 percent. Plastic chokes beaches and waterways in coastal Vietnam. As the 2018 hurricane season begins, thousands in Houston, Texas, are still displaced from 2017’s Hurricane Harvey. Schools shut down in Shimla, India, as the city’s water crisis persists. Rainfall in […]


Federal Water Tap, June 4: Regulators Approve Expert Panel to Guide Klamath Dam Removal

The Rundown Columbia River Treaty talks begin. More deaths in the E. coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce. Energy regulators approve an expert committee to guide Klamath dam removal. Federal climate change spending is undercounted, GAO finds. EPA watchdogs note progress in Atlanta’s sewer repairs, but the city still is not complying with spill permits. […]