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2018 search results for: India


Rohini Nilekani

Rohini Nilekani began her career as a journalist and writer. But upon marrying Nadan Nilekani — co-founder of the Indian tech-consulting firm Infosys — and coming into some money, she sought a cause to support financially. “I was looking for an area that would make sense to me and that would also have some kind […]


The Stream, December 5: Typhoon Triggers Floods, Leaves Trail of Destruction

At least 283 people have died in the Philippines following the landfall of Typhoon Bohpa, which triggered floods and landslides across the southern islands, AlertNet reported. Rescuers are struggling to find survivors, but efforts are being hampered by destroyed roads and downed communication systems. In Papua New Guinea, the large Ok Tedi copper mine may […]


The Stream, November 29: Ice Found on Mercury

The planet contains enough water ice to encase Washington, D.C., in a block two and a half miles deep, scientists reported. Craters on Mercury’s poles never see the sun, The New York Times reported, creating pockets cold enough for ice on one of the solar system’s hottest planets. Great Lakes Water Levels Small tourist towns […]


The Stream, November 19: Low Water Levels Threaten Mississippi River Barge Traffic

This summer’s massive drought left Mississippi River levels unusually low, threatening barge traffic. If levels at the Mississippi’s midpoint drop too low, all barge traffic would stop, which could force job cuts, raise fuel costs, and cut into U.S. food supplies. Water-Sipping Crops In the state of Karnataka, India, farmers are using a specialized paddy […]


First Time Key Global Energy Report Highlights Water Constraints of Energy Production

Energy is becoming a thirstier resource, the report states. Photo courtesy Hess Corporation North Dakota is in the midst of a hydrocarbon production boom, as gas and oil developers tap the Bakken Shale. But the boom also is generating civic resistance in the arid region because it requires significant quantities of fresh water. Brett Walton […]


The Stream, November 8: Early Look at Water in U.S. Ballot Results

Water-quality protection measures were among the 46 conservation-related measures passed by local and state voters around the country yesterday. The Trust for Public Land summarized prominent results, WaterWorld reported. The city of San Francisco will not have to create a plan to destroy the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir’s dam. More than 77 percent of voters overturned […]


The Stream, November 5: China’s Water Supply Could Limit Development

China’s Communist Party set moderate economic development targets that now appear difficult to achieve. China is running low on the water necessary to generate the power it needs to meet those goals, The Wall Street Journal reported. China’s undersea oil and gas reserves could be the largest in the world, scientists estimate. Conflict in the […]


The Stream, October 18: Federal Focus on Water-Energy Nexus

The federal government must improve oversight on the nexus between water and energy, as domestic energy production will likely account for 85 percent of growth in domestic water production. That according to a Government Accountability Office report released this week, The Hill reported, which calls on the Energy Department to oversee water availability and use […]