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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, December 4: China’s Shanxi Province Caps Water Use in Steel, Cement, and Aluminum Industries

The Global Rundown Several countries, including the United States, Russia, and China, agree to refrain from commercial fishing in the high Arctic seas until research is done on the practice’s sustainability. China’s Shanxi province enacts a law that caps water use in steel, cement, and aluminum production. Hundreds of residents in southern Albania evacuate their […]


The Stream, November 27: South Australia Sets Up Royal Commission to Investigate Murray-Darling Water Theft

The Global Rundown Regulations on arsenic levels in U.S. drinking water led to reduced exposure among Americans, a study finds. More than half of insured farmers in Tamil Nadu, India, have not received compensation for crop losses during the state’s 2016-2017 drought. A new Michigan water crisis unfolds near Grand Rapids as household water close […]


HotSpots H2O, November 21: Saudi-Led Import Blockade Leaves 1 Million Yemenis Without Clean Water

The Global Rundown Nearly 1 million people in Yemen are without clean water as a blockade by a Saudi-led coalition halts the fuel imports needed for pumping. Water scarcity played a key role in ISIS recruitment in Iraq, a report finds. A cholera outbreak among refugees displaced by Boko Haram continues to emerge in northeast […]


Federal Water Tap, November 20: U.S. Government Sets Global Water Priorities

The Rundown First global water strategy identifies goals and priority countries. The White House asks for $44 billion to assist hurricane rebuilding in Texas, Florida, and the Caribbean. The Senate confirms the first woman to lead the Bureau of Reclamation. The EPA inspector general’s office will investigate the agency’s handling of a $1 billion cleanup […]


U.S. Government Releases First Global Water Strategy

Report identifies water priorities in foreign policy. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue To coordinate its response to floods, droughts, disease, and other water challenges whose political and economic consequences leap borders the Trump administration submitted the federal government’s first global water strategy. Ordered by Congress in 2014, the strategy lays out four goals: increase […]


The Stream, November 16: Flash Floods Kill 14 Near Athens, Greece

The Global Rundown Flash floods near Athens, Greece, swamp neighborhoods and leave 14 people dead. Solar, wind, and hydropower projects are expected to boom throughout Africa over the next five years. In South Africa, the Western Cape implores the national government for help as drought overwhelms the province. A study of animals from Pacific Ocean […]


Federal Water Tap, November 6: Government Report Highlights Human Causes of Climate Change

The Rundown U.S. government report warns that what we don’t know about climate change is perhaps more worrisome than what we do. Dam regulators make changes to the federal licensing process. The EPA spotlights innovative design and financing of sewer, septic system, and stormwater projects that use federal loans. The U.S. Geological Survey again finds […]