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2018 search results for: India


Federal Water Tap, December 5: Pakistan and the Arctic

Pakistan A high-level official from the U.S. State Department met with counterparts from Pakistan last month during the fourth water “dialogue” between the two countries. The U.S. government has given Pakistan money for irrigation, hydroelectric, and water supply projects under the Kerry-Berman-Lugar bill—legislation signed in 2009 that authorizes $7.5 billion in aid to Pakistan. Pakistan […]


The Stream, December 2: Climate Change Negotiations

The United States, along with Russia, Canada, Japan, China and India, does not want new negotiations on legally binding climate agreements to start until at least 2015, while other countries — notably the European Union — want immediate action, the Guardian reported. International agencies recently affirmed that the world has only a small window of […]


The Stream, December 1: Australia’s Coal-seam Gas Development

Australia’s fast-growing coal-seam gas industry is a “relatively short-term prospect” and may not be worth the cost to farmland and the environment, a according to an interim report for the Senate Inquiry into the impacts of coal seam gas in the Murray-Darling Basin, The Australian reported. The study recommends that coal-seam gas development be suspended […]


The Stream, November 23: Shale Gas and Climate Change

Developing the United Kingdom’s shale gas reserves is incompatible with the country’s climate change goals, according to a new study from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in Manchester. The carbon cost of developing just 20 percent of U.K.’s proven shale reserves would offset about 15 percent of the government’s greenhouse gas emissions budget […]


The Stream, November 21: World Should Brace for More Weather Extremes

The world should brace for more record-breaking temperatures, heat waves, droughts and heavy downpours as climate change will likely increase the risk from extreme weather events, according to a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the BBC reported. The World Resources Institute summarizes the five takeaways from the report. And Ceres highlights […]


Racing an Arizona Senator’s Retirement, Dry Navajo Nation Draws Closer to Securing More Water

The largest reservation in the U.S. has one of the nation’s highest poverty rates — more than 40 percent — and very little water infrastructure. Many residents pay nearly 50 times the municipal cost for water, which instead is delivered from a tank in the back of a truck, often resulting in water-borne intestinal illnesses.


The Stream, November 14: What Now for the Keystone XL Pipeline?

The U.S. State Department’s decision to postpone its verdict on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline until after next year’s presidential election may doom the project and accelerate Canada’s efforts to ship crude to Asia, Business Week reported, citing Canada’s finance minister. Two degrees of disaster: The New Yorker’s Elizabeth Kolbert comments on the latest IEA […]


The Stream, November 10: World Losing Chance To Avoid Climate Change, EIA Warns

If fossil fuel development is not rapidly changed, the world will “lose for ever” the chance to avoid dangerous climate change, the International Energy Agency warned, according to the Guardian. EIA’s World Energy Outlook 2011 report sounds alarm bells in both developing and developed nations. Has the leadership on climate changed suddenly passed from the […]


The Stream, November 2: Weather Extremes Will Worsen

Costly weather extremes such as drought and floods are becoming more prevalent as climate change progresses, the Associated Press reported, citing a draft of a new study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The growing populations in vulnerable locations around the world will likely exacerbate the problem. Only 5 percent of the $97 billion […]


The Stream, October 31: Seven Billion and Counting

Climate change has had devastating affects on glaciers in the mountains of southwestern China, the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences warned in a report last week. What will 7 billion people mean for the global environment? In Jordan, water is becoming increasingly scarce as more and more people demand it. The chronic […]