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2741 search results for: energy


Saturated In Blue

Joanne Yao, a summer intern with Circle of Blue, reflects on the wet world around her in Traverse City, Michigan. Photo courtesy of Joanne Yao / Circle of Blue Waves crash against metal barriers in Lake Michigan at the Point Betsie Lighthouse in Frankfort, Michigan. Lake Michigan, the only one of the Great Lakes located […]


The Stream, October 10: India Pursues Water-efficiency Monitoring

India A newly formed government agency in India will monitor the country’s water use and the efficiency of water systems in order to combat leaks and waste in agriculture and other industries, Bloomberg News reported. India plans to reduce the amount of water wasted by one fifth. Climate Change By the middle of this century, […]


Federal Water Tap, October 7: Shutdown

Stop Work Most agency staff have been sent home. Press officers are not returning calls or emails. Only those in “excepted positions” – jobs required to protect human life and property – remain at work. Federal agencies such as the National Weather Service are still monitoring the nation’s water and weather and offering forecasts, but […]


What Is the IPCC Telling Policymakers About Climate Change and Water?

Oceans are rising faster and becoming more acidic, snowpack is decreasing, and the Earth is heating up. The latest report on climate change from an international panel of scientists is a story of epochal transformations to the Earth’s land, air, and water systems. Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are the highest in 800,000 years, […]


Federal Water Tap, September 16: National Water Census Update

Countdown The first products from the National Water Census will be estimates of water flows in rivers without gauges and estimates of evapotranspiration, according to a congressional briefing led by the U.S. Geological Survey. Required in the SECURE Water Act of 2009, the census will be a comprehensive survey of national water use and availability, […]


The Stream, September 12: China Announces Plans to Cut Coal Use

Pollution The Chinese government has released a plan to reduce coal’s share of the country’s energy supply to 65 percent by 2017, AlertNet reported. The plan is meant to curb air pollution, but could also affect water supplies that are used in the mining and burning of coal. Levels of radioactive tritium are once again […]