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2139 search results for: california


Satellite Data Shows U.S. Water ‘Hotspots’

Scientists who use the GRACE satellite say they need more resources to maximize its usefulness – for predicting floods and droughts. Graphic © J. S. Famiglietti and M. Rodell, Water in the Balance, Science, 340, 1300 (2013). Figure appears as Figure S1 in Supplementary Online Materials. Prepared by Caroline de Linage, UC Irvine and Preston […]


The Stream, June 10: Severe Flooding Continues in Europe

Rivers around Europe remain at record high levels, but floodwaters are slowly abating in some areas. Southern Germany’s water levels have stabilized, USA Today reported, wihile Northern Europe’s rivers are still swelling, and the Danube has yet to reach an expected record high. Investment in California California needs more water-infrastructure investment than any other state […]


Federal Water Tap, June 10: EPA Water Infrastructure Survey Also Asks About Climate Change

Pipe Schemes U.S. water utilities will need to spend $US 384 billion between 2011 and 2030 to maintain adequate drinking water service, according to an Environmental Protection Agency infrastructure report to Congress. Prepared every four years, the report is used to allocate money to the states from a federal loan program for drinking water projects. […]


The Stream, May 16: Life in 1.5-billion-year-old Water

Scientists discovered water trapped underground for more than 1 billion years north of Toronto, Canada. The water predates multicellular life on earth, NPR reported, but could contain microbes that offer insight to the earliest of Earth’s lifeforms. Depleted Cities More than half of all cities around the world with populations of 100,000 people or more […]


U.S. Marks At Least 65 Years of National Water Crisis

A short history lesson about water shortage, water wars, and drought in the United States. “The water shortage is spreading like a creeping paralysis,” claims a major national magazine, printing the words beneath before-and-after photographs of the reservoir behind Arizona’s Roosevelt Dam. In the first photo, the reservoir is brimmed with water. Five dry years […]


Federal Water Tap, May 13: NASA Begins Pilot Project to Measure Western U.S. Snowpack

NASA and the California Department of Water Resources are collaborating on a project to provide a near real-time assessment of mountain snowpack. The three-year pilot study of watersheds in California and Colorado began last month. The lasers and spectrometers on the Airborne Snow Observatory, carried aboard aircraft that fly below the cruising altitude of a […]