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276 search results for: Nile


The Stream, April 3: More Than 200 Killed In Colombia Mudslide

The Global Rundown Hundreds of people were killed or injured during a severe flood and mudslide in Mocoa, Colombia. Peru is asking for more international aid to respond to floods and mudslides that have caused billions of dollars of damage. After a mudslide curbed water production at its primary treatment plant last month, the water […]


The Stream, March 15: Syria Government Cut Damascus Water Supply In War Crime, UN Finds

The Global Rundown The Syrian government committed a war crime by deliberately attacking the water supply for Damascus, according to a United Nations commission. The news comes as Syria announced that water service will soon return to Aleppo after government forces recaptured vital infrastructure from the Islamic State. Researchers warn that sea level rise, land […]


EPA Turns Away from CAFO Water Pollution

Inspections and enforcement have declined since 2011, but fines for all pollution increased. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Federal inspections of cattle and hog feedlots, turkey houses, and other animal feeding operations dropped for a fourth consecutive year, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data. The number of fines and orders to change management […]


The Stream, November 2: Long Recovery Ahead For South Africa Reservoirs

The Global Rundown It could take half a decade for water levels to return to normal in South Africa’s drought-hit reservoirs. Floods in Egypt turned the Nile River brown and forced the closure of several water treatment facilities. Saltwater intrusion threatens to turn coastal wetlands in the southeastern United States into “ghost forests”. Ancient cisterns […]


The Stream, October 13: Report Condemns South Africa Response To Water Pollution

The Global Rundown A report by researchers at Harvard concluded that South Africa’s response to acid mine drainage is inadequate and violates international human rights law. India released a draft water law to improve water sharing between states. Climate change could significantly increase river flows in Ethiopia’s Blue Nile Basin. Kazakhstan is building a desalination […]


The Stream, August 5: Aging Oil Pipelines Contaminate Russia’s Water

The Global Rundown Small, but chronic oil spills from deteriorating pipelines are contaminating waterways in Russia. Connections between fresh groundwater and coastal waters in the United States pose a pollution risk to both, according to a new study. Historically high water levels along the Nile River have triggered widespread flooding in Sudan. Reservoir levels in […]


The Stream, December 30: Major Floods Spread Across U.S. Midwest

The Global Rundown Extensive flooding occurred in Missouri, killing more than a dozen people. High water levels on a number of major rivers in the Midwest United States could cause trouble for industrial areas in the South, while insurance companies are expecting to pay billions of dollars for flood damages in Britain. Egypt, Ethiopia, and […]