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968 search results for: flood india


India’s Treacherous Coal Mines in Meghalaya

National court orders end to feudal labor conditions, wanton water pollution, and deadly accidents. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue SHILLONG, India – In the coalfields of Meghalaya, a wild and rural state in Northeast India, income and social standing are, quite literally, correlated on a perpendicular scale. In This Series Uttarakhand’s Furious Himalayan Flood […]


The Stream, October 30: Iran & India’s Presidents Call for Water Conservation

Water Conservation Iran’s newly elected president, Hassan Rouhani, has said that it will take “national will” for Iran to conserve its scarce water supplies, urging his top ministers to create a national plan for water conservation, Bloomberg News reported. The president outlined priorities such as curbing illegal well drilling and improving the efficiency of irrigation […]


The Stream, August 21: China Reluctant to Engage in India’s Water Management Plans

In the fifth round of India-China Strategic Dialogue, India pressed for an inter-governmental body to deal with water issues between the two nations, only to be met with a “less than enthusiastic” response from China, The Economic Times reported. Concerned over its neighbor’s ongoing dam production, India hopes for greater cooperation in the use of trans-border […]


The Stream, August 6: ‘Unusually Heavy’ Rains Trigger Floods in South Asia

Asia Floods More than 160 people died in Pakistan and Afghanistan during recent flash floods that swept the region, AlertNet reported. Some neighborhoods were flooded waist-deep in Karachi, while farms and homes suffered flood damage in the Afghan provinces of Khost and Nangarhar. India’s Uttarakhand state is still recovering from massive floods and landslides that […]


The Stream, July 15: Flooding Risk Prompts Evictions in Manila

Natural Disasters The Philippines government is cracking down on informal settlements along rivers in Manila, with plans to relocate more than 19,000 families from the settlements to permanent housing projects, AlertNet reported. The settlements, which can impede water flow and drainage during floods along rivers, are seen as a safety risk. Nearly 6,000 people are […]