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2018 search results for: India


Federal Water Tap, September 26: Dam Removal, Present and Future

In Washington Last week the federal government began tearing down two dams on Washington state’s Elwha River. The $350 million project is the world’s largest dam-removal and river-restoration. The National Park Service is maintaining a website with daily photos monitoring the project’s progress. In Oregon and California The Department of the Interior released several peer-reviewed […]


The Stream, September 19: Hydropower and Climate Change

The world’s dams are unprepared for climate change conditions, ClimateWire reported, citing a recent study published in the journal PLoS Biology. Over the last few decades, hydropower facilities in the West have become more mismatched with their ambient environment. How can East and South Asian dam builders adapt to a changing climate? The water level […]


The Stream, September 15: Business and the Environment

U.S. coal companies have donated $1.5 million to House Speaker John Boehner’s political operation this year, The Wall Street Journal reported. Is this going to play a role in new and proposed environmental regulations? California’s Central Basin Municipal Water District is paying nearly $200,000 in taxpayer money for favorable online articles “written in the image […]


The Stream, September 7: Will Climate Change Sink Bangkok?

Bangkok could be under water by 2030, the Guardian reported. The ground beneath Thailand’s capital is quickly subsiding due to rising sea levels, coastal erosion and urbanization. The minimum summertime volume of Arctic Sea ice reached a record low in 2010, Reuters reported, citing researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle who will soon […]


The Stream, August 30: Assessing U.S. Hurricane and Drought Damage

Hurricane Irene killed at least 28 people, caused an estimated $2.6 billion in damage, and cut electric power to more than 6 million homes and businesses across the eastern United States. Bloomberg summarizes the damage state by state. And more information from New York Magazine. United States In Texas, the driest spell in the state’s […]


Q & A: Charles Fishman on The Big Thirst

Our guest today is Charles Fishman, an award winning investigative journalist and author of the best selling book “The Wal-Mart Effect.” We caught up with Fishman during his tour for “The Big Thirst,” his latest book focusing on water issues around the world.


Federal Water Tap, August 15: Making Water Investments

The Price of Restoration As part of the Everglades restoration project, the Department of Agriculture announced it would allocate $100 million to the state of Florida under the Wetlands Reserve Program, the Miami Herald reports. The money will be paid to ranchers in four counties northwest of Lake Okeechobee who give up development rights on […]