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2018 search results for: India


The Stream, August 12: DOE Advisory Panel Releases Natural Gas Report

A draft report by the U.S. Energy Department’s natural gas advisory subcommittee urged regulators to require natural gas drillers to release more information about the environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing, even though the risk of water pollution from the technique is “remote,” Reuters reported. Meanwhile, scientists from 22 universities have questioned the integrity of the […]


St. Louis Sewer District and U.S. Justice Department Reach Record $4.7 Billion Clean Water Act Settlement

The sewer district joins more than 40 American municipalities renovating their sewer systems to comply with the CWA. The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, the nation’s fourth-largest system, will overhaul its sewer infrastructure at an estimated cost of $US 4.7 billion over 23 years, according to a settlement announced on Thursday by the U.S. Justice […]


The Stream, August 3: Of Food and Conflict

The Shabab Islamist insurgent group in Somalia is blocking starving people from fleeing the country and forcing out many Western aid organizations amid a famine that has already killed thousands of Somalis and left more than 500,000 children on the brink of starvation, The New York Times reported. The world’s food assistance pact is desperately […]


The Stream, July 27: What’s to Blame for Somalia’s Famine?

Even though drought, poor infrastructure and poverty are all contributing factors to the risk of famine, famine deaths in the modern world are almost always “the result of deliberate acts on the part of governing authorities,” according to Foreign Policy’s Charles Kenny. Somalia, he adds, is shaping up to be yet another “case study of […]


Federal Water Tap, July 25: Tar Sands Pipeline Review

Pipeline Update The State Department expects to release a final environmental impact statement next month for the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, a department official said on Friday during a teleconference from Washington, D.C. After the final EIS is released, federal agencies will have 90 days to comment on whether building the 1,700-mile pipeline […]


United Nations Stalemates on Climate Change and Security

Climate change became a hot-button issue at a recent U.N. Security Council meeting. On Wednesday, Western countries clashed with Russia and developing nations over whether climate change is a matter of national and international security that merits the attention of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Reuters reported. Although it initially blocked the adoption of […]


The Stream, July 19: Heat Wave in Central U.S.

The heatwave in the central United States intensified Monday, closing government buildings without air-conditioning and prompting warnings to residents to keep as cool as possible, Reuters reported. The National Weather Service has put 18 states under a heat warning, watch or advisory. And while some states are baking in heat, climatologists say that drought could […]


The Stream, July 18: Texas Enacts Fracking Disclosure Rule

Texas became the first U.S. state to require energy companies to disclose the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, according to Reuters. More than a dozen U.S. senators said that the U.S. Department of State needs to examine what corrosive effects Canadian oil sands crude may have on pipelines before the department decides on the $7 […]


Choke Point: China Production Crew

On-the-Ground Team Circle of Blue J. Carl Ganter Managing Director / Photographer J. Carl is an award-winning photojournalist, writer and broadcast reporter. His reporting has appeared in most major magazines, newspapers and major television and radio networks. He has presented at the World Economic Forum, Aspen Ideas Festival and Clinton Global Initiative, and is a […]


Federal Water Tap, June 27: Water, Nuclear Oversight

Taking the EPA’s Authority Away A House committee approved a bill that would gut much of the EPA’s power to enforce clean water standards. The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act, approved by the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, would transfer regulatory power over water, wetlands and mountaintop mining to the states, Greenwire reports. The House leadership […]