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2139 search results for: california


The Stream, September 11: Great Lakes Week and Reframing the Climate Debate

Great Lakes Week Great Lakes Week 2012 kicked off yesterday and runs through Thursday in Cleveland, Ohio. The event is a series of seminars where stakeholders, from activist groups to governments, collaborate on the future restoration of the Great Lakes bodies. Watch live coverage online at the website, or follow on Facebook and Twitter @EPAGreatLakes, […]


With Water Management, We’re Missing the Obvious

For climate change adaptation and water management, start with the basics, researchers say. It is not desalination plants or reservoirs or any whiz-bang technology that will best prepare California’s water users for climate change. It is a simple record of who is using water and how much. That is the primary recommendation in a white […]


Lori Pottinger

Lori Pottinger advocates for rural communities that are at risk of being displaced by dam construction. She says that residents are not always aware of the extent of cultural and lifestyle adjustments they will have to make — or the option of resisting development. “They’re giving their all, and then they’re getting nothing from these […]


Federal Water Tap, July 30: Small Dead Zone in Gulf of Mexico

The drought in the Midwest has destroyed crops and herds, but it has also led to one of the smallest “dead zones”—low-oxygen areas where marine life struggles to survive—ever recorded in the Gulf of Mexico, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The lead scientist for the study said the data confirm a positive […]


The Stream, July 27: Is India Facing Drought?

A new study found that only 30 percent of Arctic sea ice loss in the last few decades can be attributed to natural causes, meaning the remaining monsoon rains fall 22 percent below average, Reuters reported. Water shortages have contributed to 300 millimeters of rain (11.8 inches), Xinhua reported. Meanwhile, two 35-mile tunnels to divert […]


Andrée Sosler

Traditional cooking techniques in Darfur can be dangerous for women and for the babies tied to their backs. But Andrée Sosler is working to change all that. As the executive director of Potential Energy, a California-based organization that markets high-efficiency stoves to Sudanese women who would otherwise use firewood, Sosler is offering a way to […]


Federal Water Tap, July 23: Alaska Submits Study Plan for Large Dam

The Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project envisions a dam 700 feet tall capable of producing 600 megawatts from a 39-mile-long reservoir on the Susitna River in south-central Alaska. It would generate half the electricity currently produced in the state’s most populous region, and it would be the largest dam built in the United States since the late […]