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2741 search results for: energy


UNICEF Report Has Five Messages for India’s Water Managers

Better water management is necessary for environmental and public health, as well as economic development. Photo J. Carl Ganter/Circle of Blute In Punjab, India, a farmer irrigates his crops by pumping groundwater and flooding channels along the field. Click image to enlarge. By 2050, India’s water demand is forecasted to increase by 66 percent to […]


The Stream, February 19: Climate Change Edition

UNEP Highlights Energy, Climate Change, and Arctic Ice Melt Reuters reports on the UNEP Year Book 2013 which highlights the cyclical nature of Arctic ice melt and fossil fuel extraction there. “What we are seeing is that the melting of ice is prompting a rush for exactly the fossil fuel resources that fuelled the melt […]


Federal Water Tap, February 18: Climate Change a Financial High Risk to U.S. Government

Climate Change Risk The U.S. government’s internal watchdog added two new items to its list of high-priority risks to the federal government: financial risk from climate change-related catastrophes and insufficient data from weather-monitoring satellites. The Government Accountability Office’s high-risk list – which emphasizes areas vulnerable to fraud, waste or mismanagement, or areas in need of […]


The Stream, February 14: Major Water Loss Across Middle East

The Tigris and Euphrates’ river basins lost almost as much water as the Dead Sea from 2003-2007, according to a new study from the University of California, NASA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The biggest contributor to the loss, Middle East Online reported, was groundwater pumping, especially from wells that were drilled after […]


Ned Breslin: Bolivia, Abandoned No More

‘Cobertura Total Para Siempre,’ which translates to ‘Total Coverage Forever,’ is the municipality of Arani’s way of committing to the EVERYONE FOREVER program.