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232 search results for: Mekong


The Stream, November 27: Doha Climate Talks Commence

Monday marked the first day of talks among the in Doha, Qatar on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), otherwise known as the 18th Conference of the Parties, or COP18, reports the Washington Post. This round of talks marks the last in a series of negotiations over the past five years that […]


Federal Water Tap, November 12: Post-election Government Back In Action: Tar Sands, Climate Change, and Coal Ash

The Bureau of Land Management will open some 274,000 hectares (677,000 acres) of public land in three Western states for oil shale and tar sands research, development and demonstration leases, according to a broad federal environmental review. Companies must submit an application to explore on these lands, which, unlike for oil and gas leases, will […]


The Stream, November 7: Storm Poised to Bring More Flooding to U.S. East Coast

President Obama Wins Re-election The U.S. energy industry is expecting stricter regulations during President Obama’s second term, with tighter rules for water management, emissions and drilling on federal land, Reuters reported. Nonetheless, the President is also expected to support the development of natural gas, and will likely give eventual approval for the Keystone XL oil […]


The Stream, September 7: Pesticides Exact Big Toll on Health and Environment

Heavy downpours triggered floods and caused roofs to collapse in Pakistan, killing at least 50 people, Xinhua reported. The report suggests that heavy rainfall late in the monsoon season has become more common in Pakistan over the past few years. Agriculture The growing production of chemical pesticides in developing countries poses significant threats to human […]


The Stream, August 28: Stockholm and the Nexus

This year’s Stockholm International Water Week is placing a particular focus on minimizing food waste and increasing water efficiency through agriculture and irrigation, among other methods, Bloomberg reported. During talks in Stockholm on Monday, the United Nations called upon the G20 to minimize food and water waste. The leaders emphasized the need for action, especially […]


The Stream, August 10: Rain Collapses Section of China’s Great Wall

Rains and Floods Continue in Asia Days of heavy rain caused a 36-meter (118-foot) Rain from Typhoon Haikui, meanwhile, has destroyed more than 7,500 homes and 388,000 hectares (958,000 acres) of cropland across four provinces in eastern China, Xinhua reported, citing government sources. Flooding in North Korea isman-made disaster due to poor urban planning and […]


The Stream, August 8: Rice — A Bright Spot for Global Food

Global affected 20,000 farmers and ruined about 6,500 hectares (16,000 acres) of rice, according to United Press International. Bali’s environment is paying the price of a booming tourism industry, in which filed a lawsuit against Thailand’s state-run electricity company, which plans to buy nearly all of the power produced from Laos’ controversial Mekong River dam […]


The Stream, July 9: Floods in Europe

Floods and landslides have killed more than 150 people in the Black Sea region of southern Russia in the last few days, Associated Press reported. Torrential rains have dropped nearly a foot of water in the area, turning streets into rivers, sweeping away bridges and inundating thousands of homes. Heavy rains also swept across Great […]