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274 search results for: murray


Hawaii River Restorations Reflect National Desire to Protect Water for Public Benefit

Using public trust doctrine, communities restore streams diverted for more than 100 years. Photo courtesy Jan Arendtsz via Flickr Creative Commons Water restored to natural rivers will help support fields of Hawaii’s traditional and culturally important taro crop, like these on the island of Kauai.Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Streams […]


World Stands By As Algae and Dead Zones Ruin Water

Expensive research and cleanup efforts make little headway. Photo courtesy Greenpeace China via Flickr Creative Commons An algae bloom spreads across China’s Dianchi Lake in 2007. That same year, a bloom in Lake Taihu made the water undrinkable for 2 million people in Wuxi.Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Decades of […]


Australia Disbands National Water Commission

The water advisory group is a casualty of sharp cuts to the Commonwealth’s budget. Image courtesy of Michael Storer via Flickr Creative Commons The National Water Commission tracks the progress of water policy reform across Australia, including areas like the Murray Darling River Basin.Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue The commission […]


California Drought: Lessons from Australia’s Biggest Dry

Join the Conversation How should California respond to its water challenge? Tuesday, March 18, 2014 10:00a – 12:00p PDT 1:00p – 3:00p EDT. Contents Introduction: California Drought Summary: The International Context Links and Resources What is Choke Point: Index Meet the Panelists Questions? How should California respond to its water challenge? Your expertise, creativity and […]


The Stream, August 2: 1 Dead and 15 Wounded in Sri Lanka Protest for Water Quality

One resident in Sri Lanka’s western province was killed Thursday evening during a protest against a factory that had been contaminating drinking water in 15 local villages, Calgary Herald reported. More than 4000 people were present, hoping to provoke government action to stop the factory’s chemical emissions from polluting their water supply. China China’s mammoth coal industry […]


The Stream, July 23: Pakistan Is One of Most Water-stressed Countries

Water Supply Pakistan is one of the most water-stressed countries in the world, with only a 30-day supply held in reserve, according to a report from the Asian Development Bank. Water shortages, in combination with already widespread energy shortages, could further destabilize the country, The Atlantic reported. Surface and groundwater supplies in Inner Mongolia are […]