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2741 search results for: energy


Federal Water Tap, November 12: Post-election Government Back In Action: Tar Sands, Climate Change, and Coal Ash

The Bureau of Land Management will open some 274,000 hectares (677,000 acres) of public land in three Western states for oil shale and tar sands research, development and demonstration leases, according to a broad federal environmental review. Companies must submit an application to explore on these lands, which, unlike for oil and gas leases, will […]


The Stream, November 8: Early Look at Water in U.S. Ballot Results

Water-quality protection measures were among the 46 conservation-related measures passed by local and state voters around the country yesterday. The Trust for Public Land summarized prominent results, WaterWorld reported. The city of San Francisco will not have to create a plan to destroy the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir’s dam. More than 77 percent of voters overturned […]


The Stream, November 7: Storm Poised to Bring More Flooding to U.S. East Coast

President Obama Wins Re-election The U.S. energy industry is expecting stricter regulations during President Obama’s second term, with tighter rules for water management, emissions and drilling on federal land, Reuters reported. Nonetheless, the President is also expected to support the development of natural gas, and will likely give eventual approval for the Keystone XL oil […]


The Stream, October 29: Hurricane Sandy Batters East Coast

Forecasters are predicting a “devastating landfall” for Hurricane Sandy within 100 miles of New York City. Flooding has already begun in New York, Virginia and elsewhere, The New York Times reported, as “One of the biggest storms of our lifetimes is unfolding right now,” anchor Kelly Cass said on the Weather Channel. Elsewhere, the world […]


Federal Water Tap, October 29: Have You Heard? There’s an Election Coming Soon. Also, Hurricane Sandy

This week, Circle of Blue will publish a water guide to the 2012 election. It will explain the presidential candidates’ positions on water, as well as point out various state and local initiatives related to desalination, financing and water supply. Look for it in the next few days. (Update 10/31/12: 2012 Election Guide.) Storm Warning […]