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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, September 11: Great Lakes Week and Reframing the Climate Debate

Great Lakes Week Great Lakes Week 2012 kicked off yesterday and runs through Thursday in Cleveland, Ohio. The event is a series of seminars where stakeholders, from activist groups to governments, collaborate on the future restoration of the Great Lakes bodies. Watch live coverage online at the website, or follow on Facebook and Twitter @EPAGreatLakes, […]


Make Water A Priority: Former Government Leaders Call on UN Security Council

The time is increasingly right for high-level action, the group’s water policy advisor tells Circle of Blue. Photo courtesy of JC McIlwaine/UN Photo The United Nations Security Council met in October 2011 to hear a report on protecting water and natural resources in Somalia. A group of former world leaders wants the 15-member body to […]


The Stream, September 7: Pesticides Exact Big Toll on Health and Environment

Heavy downpours triggered floods and caused roofs to collapse in Pakistan, killing at least 50 people, Xinhua reported. The report suggests that heavy rainfall late in the monsoon season has become more common in Pakistan over the past few years. Agriculture The growing production of chemical pesticides in developing countries poses significant threats to human […]


The Stream, August 29: Arctic Ice Reaches Record Low

With a few weeks still left in the annual melt season, Arctic sea ice cover has already diminished to the lowest area on record, covering 4.10 million square kilometers (1.58 million square miles), AlertNet reported. Hurricane Isaac, which made landfall near New Orleans yesterday night, could dredge up as much as 1 million barrels of […]


The Stream, August 28: Stockholm and the Nexus

This year’s Stockholm International Water Week is placing a particular focus on minimizing food waste and increasing water efficiency through agriculture and irrigation, among other methods, Bloomberg reported. During talks in Stockholm on Monday, the United Nations called upon the G20 to minimize food and water waste. The leaders emphasized the need for action, especially […]


The Stream, August 23: The Struggle for Safe Drinking Water

This photo slideshow demonstrates the effects of coal extraction on water, vegetation and lifestyles in northwest China. A recent report from Greenpeace speaks out against the expansion of coal bases in the region, according to the Guardian. Safe Drinking Water Algal blooms are spreading in South Korean rivers. Although the cause of the blooms is up for […]


With Water Management, We’re Missing the Obvious

For climate change adaptation and water management, start with the basics, researchers say. It is not desalination plants or reservoirs or any whiz-bang technology that will best prepare California’s water users for climate change. It is a simple record of who is using water and how much. That is the primary recommendation in a white […]