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2305 search results for: Clean Water Act


Choke Point: Tamil Nadu

New reporting project describes how drought, storms, and floods are forcing big Indian state to contend with severe water stress. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue TUTICORIN, INDIA — Among the 75 government ministries that manage and regulate this bewitching and impassioned nation, there is no Ministry of the Future. There should be. Narendra Modi, […]


The Stream, December 15: Business Leaders Call For Transparency On Climate Risks

The Global Rundown Two prominent businessmen are asking companies around the world to give investors more information about climate risks. An initiative in China to reduce conflicts of interest over environmental enforcement is nearly complete. Oases continue to disappear in Morocco due to changing climate patterns, but local restoration efforts could help. Scientists have discovered […]


The Stream, December 8: Record Humanitarian Aid Needs In 2017

The Global Rundown The fallout from droughts, floods, and conflicts around the world will require a record amount of humanitarian aid funding next year, according to the United Nations. Barrick Gold’s Pascua Lama mine project, stalled in part due to concerns over water, may get a new lease on life following a recent government decision […]


The Stream, December 5: China’s Nujiang River Safe From Dams

The Global Rundown Hydropower projects are no longer proposed for the Nujiang river in China’s latest energy development roadmap. In a separate statement, China’s president called clean water an “invaluable asset” and promised that the enforcement of environmental laws will increase. Environmental regulators in Chile may fine the world’s largest lithium producer millions of dollars […]


The Stream, November 29: India Explores Small Hydropower Projects In Himalayas

The Global Rundown Small-scale hydropower projects in India’s Himalayas offer decentralized electricity to rural communities. A new survey suggests that millions of hectares can be restored in the Sahel to protect sub-Saharan Africa from encroaching deserts. Bolivia’s drought is made worse by population growth, inadequate infrastructure, and competition between water users, environmentalists say. The unrelenting […]


The Stream, October 28: Mekong Delta At Risk From Fewer Tropical Storms

The Global Rundown Fewer tropical storms crossing over the Mekong River Basin due to climate change could actually harm the river’s delta, according to new research. A study of climate change effects in the Mediterranean region found that deserts in Spain and northern Africa will likely expand, even if warming is limited to 2 degrees […]


The Stream, October 12: UN Issues Emergency Appeal For Haiti

The Global Rundown The United Nations is asking for millions of dollars to address the urgent and disastrous conditions in Haiti following Hurricane Matthew. Floods similar in scale to those brought by Superstorm Sandy are set to occur much more frequently in the northeastern United States by the end of the century. International mining companies […]


The Stream, September 28: Philippines May Suspend More Mines On Environmental Concerns

The Global Rundown A government audit of environmental violations could force the suspension of more than a dozen mines in the Philippines. Indigenous protestors in Peru’s Amazon are blockading a river until the country’s new president and other government officials meet with them to discuss problems associated with oil development. Pakistan signaled that it would […]


The Stream, September 26: Tunisia Drought Triggers Protests

The Global Rundown Farmers in Tunisia are protesting water shortages wrought by a drought and a neglected water management system. Severe drought conditions across Connecticut and other New England states have drawn down rivers and groundwater levels, forcing some communities to impose water restrictions or truck in supplies. Fighting in Aleppo, Syria cut water supplies […]


Climate Change Will Cripple Coastal Septic Systems

Backyard units need to adapt to changing environmental conditions. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Adapting sanitation systems to a fast-changing ecological reality is a challenge not only for big municipal institutions. According to new research, many septic systems — which are simple, backyard devices for addressing the ceaseless problem of toilet waste — are […]