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2741 search results for: energy


Lessons Learned? How Drought Has Shaped Water Policy in Georgia

Just as it was five years ago, a record-breaking drought is evident in Georgia. But has the state become more resilient through changes to water management policies? Photo © Chris Drummond/Flint Riverkeeper Spider lilies fill the banks of the upper Flint River, near Thomaston, Georgia. Alabama and Florida also share the river basin, which the […]


The Stream, July 2: New Modeling for Australia’s Murray-Darling River?

Australian state and federal water ministers have agreed for new modeling to be done on returning more environmental flows to the ailing Murray-Darling river system, ABC Radio Australia reported. As Circle of Blue has reported previously, the process to adopt new water use regulations for the basin has pitted states against states and environmentalists against […]


Action Figures

This is not a Top 10 list. There is no ranking. But the truth is that today’s real superheroes don’t have alter-egos and they don’t wear capes — people like you and people you know are shaping how we understand the world’s greatest challenges. In Circle of Blue’s Action Figures series, we’re profiling innovators who […]


Ashley Murray

In developing countries, environmental arguments for keeping rivers clean sometimes just aren’t feasible. So entrepreneur Ashley Murray decided to create a financial incentive for cleaning up wastewater. She says her graduate work was spent trying to quantify the financial benefits of reuse and harnessing the resources in human waste. Murray proved that what most people […]


Countdown To Rio

Check back with Circle of Blue for the latest news and reports in the lead-up to, during, and after the Rio+20 conference. Make sure to stay tuned during the conference, as well, as we will be continuing our coverage through June 27.


Julian Cribb

“I’m doing my best to alert people to this perilous situation,” says Julian Cribb, author of The Coming Famine. A longtime science journalist in Australia, Cribb works around the globe, reporting on the increasing shortage of food, water, land, and energy. He says that the situation is the most dire that humanity has ever faced. […]


Circle of Blue Receives Rockefeller Foundation Centennial Innovation Award

Circle of Blue founder J. Carl Ganter to accept award for new model that informs global decision-making about global water crisis “Innovation occurs when problems and potential solutions are reframed, re-imagined, or recombined.” — Dr. Judith Rodin, President, Rockefeller Foundation “A global shift and recalibration about how the world approaches and responds to its greatest challenges.” […]


Illegal Mining in India Threatens Right to Water

A new report on India’s rampant illegal mining highlights corruption, human rights violations. As I recently wrote in an article about gold, high demand and prices for metals and minerals are creating a global boom in mining that has significant ramifications for water. But while the world’s major mining companies pour money into high profile […]


The Stream, June 18: What’s the Potential of Green Accounting?

Can putting a monetary value on natural resources reign in unfettered development? The Associated Press reports on the complex evolution of green accounting. Expectations are running low days before the Rio+20 global summit on sustainable development, The Wall Street Journal says, but can a different approach focused on “bottom up” efforts, local solutions and smaller […]


Federal Water Tap, June 18: EPA Framework for Stormwater and Sewers

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the final version of its new framework for addressing the twinned problems of stormwater and sewer overflows. Nearly eight months in the making, the framework will give municipalities greater flexibility in how they meet federal water quality standards by allowing them to fix the most dire problems first. The […]