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2018 search results for: India


The Stream, October 2: India River Dispute Continues

Farmers Protest, Attempt to Turn Off Pumping Station The BBC reported yesterday that hundreds of farmers from Karnataka begun protests against releasing water to neighboring Tamil Nadu in accordance with a recent Supreme Court order. Traffic was blocked and schools went on holiday. Today, reports that a truck from Tamil Nadu was attacked. Business […]


The Stream, September 21: India Water Dispute

India A water shortage in India’s Cauvery River Basin has pitted the state of Karnataka against its southern neighbor, Tamil Nadu, the Times of India reported. The states rejected water sharing suggestions from the Cauvery River Authority and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, with Karnataka arguing that it cannot release any water downstream without jeopardizing its […]


The Stream, July 27: Is India Facing Drought?

A new study found that only 30 percent of Arctic sea ice loss in the last few decades can be attributed to natural causes, meaning the remaining monsoon rains fall 22 percent below average, Reuters reported. Water shortages have contributed to 300 millimeters of rain (11.8 inches), Xinhua reported. Meanwhile, two 35-mile tunnels to divert […]


The Stream, July 3: India’s Looming Food Crisis

Food Millions of tons of grain in India are at major risk at the moment as they are lying in the open, exposed to scorching summer heat and monsoon rains, according to Reuters. This story looks at the country’s rigid regime of subsidies for grain farmers, the lack of storage facilities and the inefficient, broken […]


Illegal Mining in India Threatens Right to Water

A new report on India’s rampant illegal mining highlights corruption, human rights violations. As I recently wrote in an article about gold, high demand and prices for metals and minerals are creating a global boom in mining that has significant ramifications for water. But while the world’s major mining companies pour money into high profile […]


The Stream, June 4: Water Riot in India

Conflict A Hindu youth who washed himself with water meant for food preparation for Muslims leaving Friday prayers set off riots between the two religious groups in India’s most populous state. The Indian Express reports that 4 people were killed in the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh. Aid workers in Africa’s Sahel worry that the […]


The Stream, May 9: Superbugs in India’s Water

A $12.4 billion pharmaceutical industry and poor hygiene are fostering the growth of antibiotic-resistant super bacteria in India’s water, which could have serious implications for global health, Bloomberg News reported. The Club of Rome, a Switzerland-based think tank, has released a report forecasting global changes over the next 40 years. The report predicts an average […]


The Stream, May 3: India’s Water Pollution

After years of drought, water is again flowing in the Jordan Valley. But questions over who controls the water still divide Palestinian and Israeli communities, MSNBC reported. Immersing painted idols in rivers and lakes during religious ceremonies in India has caused severe pollution to the country’s waters, according to scientists. Cambodia has officially asked Laos […]