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363 search results for: Kenya


HotSpots H2O, July 6: EU Increases Humanitarian Aid to War-Torn DRC

The Global Rundown The European Commission will provide an additional €5 million in humanitarian aid to victims of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where access to food, water, and healthcare is increasingly limited. Kenyan pastoralists are combating drought by creating wildlife conservatories and adopting sustainable grazing practices. The number of new cholera cases […]


The Stream, June 7: Yemen Cholera Death Toll Spikes 50 Percent

The Global Rundown More than 600 people have died in a cholera outbreak in Yemen, and World Health Organization officials warn that number could rise further. A conflict between farmers and pastoralists claimed two more lives in Kenya, where a drought has exacerbated longstanding tensions. A new report suggests water privatization is costing England’s households […]


The Stream, May 29: Deadly Rains Trigger Landslides In Sri Lanka

The Global Rundown Landslides triggered by the worst rains in more than a decade have killed more than 150 people in Sri Lanka. Facing drought and rising seas, the president of Kiribati says international climate funding is not coming quickly enough for his country. Wastewater spills from a proposed coal seam gas project in New […]


The Stream, May 4: Unpaid Water Bills Could Foreclose Homes In Flint

The Global Rundown Residents of Flint, Michigan who have delinquent water accounts could face home foreclosure if they do not pay, despite concerns about lead. Violence between ranchers and herders in Kenya stems from historical land conflicts, not just drought, conservationists say. Cape Town, South Africa is still working to avert water cuts as its […]


The Stream, April 24: Military Action Threatens Somalia Drought Response

The Global Rundown Potential military interventions against the al-Shabaab group in Somalia would be detrimental to drought and famine relief efforts, according to a United Nations representative. India plans to build more artificial glaciers to make up for the loss of ice in the Himalayas. Scientists surveying Antarctica found much more meltwater than they previously […]


HotSpots H2O, April 18: Water and Sanitation Crises Jeopardize Health of Damascus Citizens

The Global Rundown Water shortages and sewage system failures are compromising the health of millions in Damascus, Syria. Chief Ministers of the Indian states of Odisha and Chhattisgarh spar over the Mahanadi River’s usage rights. In northern Kenya, tension builds between native pastoralists and South Sudanese refugees. The construction of valley dams in Lake Mburo […]


The Stream, April 3: More Than 200 Killed In Colombia Mudslide

The Global Rundown Hundreds of people were killed or injured during a severe flood and mudslide in Mocoa, Colombia. Peru is asking for more international aid to respond to floods and mudslides that have caused billions of dollars of damage. After a mudslide curbed water production at its primary treatment plant last month, the water […]


Drought, Heat, and Conflict Strand Residents of Dadaab

World’s largest refugee camp illustrates human costs of water-scarce era. By Kayla Cragg, Circle of Blue The desert of thorns and rocks northwest of Nairobi, Kenya is so unforgiving that it takes all day and a good bit of the night to reach the Dadaab refugee camp about 300 miles away near the border with […]