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232 search results for: Mekong


The Stream, July 4: Controversy Continues Over Laos Dam

Researchers have warned that the steady decline in world water-monitoring stations will likely have a negative impact on water management, The New York Times reported. Asia Demonstrators in Cambodia took to the streets last Friday to lost each year in Asia due to leaks, costing water utilities $9 billion in revenue, according to a study […]


The Stream, May 3: India’s Water Pollution

After years of drought, water is again flowing in the Jordan Valley. But questions over who controls the water still divide Palestinian and Israeli communities, MSNBC reported. Immersing painted idols in rivers and lakes during religious ceremonies in India has caused severe pollution to the country’s waters, according to scientists. Cambodia has officially asked Laos […]


The Stream, April 6: Radioactive Water Leaks Again At Fukushima

Asia Twelve tons of radioactive water leaked from a pipeline and may have reached the sea at Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said, Bloomberg News reported. The site has suffered repeated leaks, and 100,000 tons of wastewater are still being stored in basements. The World Bank is handing over $US 8 […]


The Stream, February 21: Drought Declared in South-East England

Droughts South-East England is officially in a state of drought, the Press Association reported, citing the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The Guardian has mapped out the affected regions. As rivers and reservoirs in England and Wales are running low after two dry winters, water industry executives have again called for regulatory reforms […]


Water News: What’s Ahead in 2012

News headlines are often dominated by the big, unexpected events — BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, for example, or Japan’s earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear catastrophes in 2011 — but some events come with advance warning. Here is a preview of the water news to look for in 2012. Photo © Aubrey Ann Parker/Circle […]


The Stream, December 7: The Shale Gas Boom

Global carbon emissions are likely to continue increasing at a rate of 3 percent each year, EurActiv reported, citing a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change. Emissions from burning fossil fuels rose by 5.9 percent in 2010. The booming shale gas industry could create 870,000 jobs and $118 billion in economic growth […]


The Stream, November 22: Future of the Salton Sea

California’s Aral Sea? The vanishing Salton Sea figures large in a court battle over how Southern California gets its water, with huge costs for human health, ecological health and agricultural production, Associated Press reported. And check out again Brent Stirton’s images from the Imperial Valley and the Coachella Valley in California. Shale gas exploration in […]


The Stream, November 15: ‘Waterless’ Fracking?

Where are the world’s biggest sources of renewable energy? According to The Economist, while wind and solar power are growing strongly, hydropower — the biggest source of renewables — has only added 3 percent to capacity. The inventor of “waterless” fracking tells InsideClimate why his method could be a game-changer for the energy industry. We […]


The Stream, October 3: France To Cancel Shale Gas Permits

France plans to cancel shale gas exploration permits granted to Total SA and Schuepbach after it banned shale gas drilling due to environmental concerns earlier this year, Reuters reported, citing Le Figaro. Agriculture groups are up in arms over a proposal by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency to enlarge […]


The Stream, August 16: Climate Refugees

The deltas of the the Mekong, Irrawaddy, Niger, Nile, Mississippi, Ganges-Brahmaputra and the Yangtze rivers contain some of the largest, most vulnerable populations to climate change. Lester Brown explores how raging storms and rising seas will create climate refugees around the globe. Agriculture vs. Industry Is genetically modified corn for ethanol production in the United […]