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319 search results for: san joaquin


Federal Water Tap, September 1: EPA Criticizes Restoration Plan for California’s Water Hub

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency criticized a $US 25 billion water supply and ecosystem restoration plan for California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, saying that the plan would violate federal Clean Water Act standards for water quality and may not produce the desired habitat improvements. The delta is the largest estuary on the U.S. west coast and […]


The Stream, August 28: Brazil Drought Threatens Water Supplies For 20 Million People

Water Supply An ongoing, severe drought in Brazil’s Sao Paulo state has prompted rationing for 2 million people in 18 cities and threatens the water supplies of 20 million people, Bloomberg News reported. Nonetheless, elected officials–many up for reelection this fall–are playing down the water crisis. North America’s “water tower”–the Rocky Mountains–is increasingly drying out […]


The Stream, August 26: California Drought Dries Up Water Wells for Hundreds

United States At least 182 households in California’s San Joaquin valley no longer have running water in their homes due to the ongoing drought, prompting bottled water distributions by emergency services, the Associated Press reported. Circle of Blue’s latest story about the drought explains how a well-drilling “free-for-all” by the agriculture industry is behind the […]


Price of Water 2014: Up 6 Percent in 30 Major U.S. Cities; 33 Percent Rise Since 2010

Water scarcity and successful conservation programs force utilities to adapt their business plans. Graphic © Codi Kozacek / Circle of Blue Residential water prices for 30 major U.S. cities for three consumption levels from 2010 to 2014. Click for a high-resolution file. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue The price of water rose again in […]