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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, February 23: New Report Adds Fuel to Fracking Debate

Energy A new study by the University of Texas Energy Institute has found no evidence that hydraulic fracturing is contaminating groundwater, Voice of America reported. According to the report, many problems associated with fracking are related to processes common to all gas and drilling operations, such as drill casing failures, yet more science is needed […]


The Stream, February 22: Africa’s Food Security

Water Quality Environmental degradation, including waste water discharge that is harming fisheries, is the greatest threat to food security in Africa, Xinhua reported. Proposed regulations for ballast water discharge in the Great Lakes will not do enough to stop invasive species, according to environmental groups, Reuters reported. The groups want the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency […]


The Stream, February 21: Drought Declared in South-East England

Droughts South-East England is officially in a state of drought, the Press Association reported, citing the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The Guardian has mapped out the affected regions. As rivers and reservoirs in England and Wales are running low after two dry winters, water industry executives have again called for regulatory reforms […]


Federal Water Tap, February 20: Legislation

Bills, Bills, Bills More than 40 senators called on the body’s leadership to pass a flood insurance bill, The Hill reports. The bill, among other things, would change insurance premiums to help cover the billions in debt the program has run up. The Government Accountability Office, which has been concerned about the insurance program for […]


The Stream, February 17: U.S. House Moves Keystone XL Forward

Energy A bill meant to speed up approval of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline passed the United States House of Representatives, Bloomberg News reported. Those opposed to the pipeline, which would carry crude oil from Canada’s tar sands to refineries on the Gulf of Mexico, say it could harm the environment. In this Guardian video, […]


The Stream, February 15: The World’s Water Footprint

The United States is the world’s largest exporter, and one of the biggest importers, of virtual water, a measure of the water used to create products that are shipped abroad, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study, which outlines the flow of water around the […]


The Stream, February 13: Global Ice Melt

Climate The global ice melt from 2003 to 2010 resulted in enough water to flood the entire United States in a foot and a half of melted ice, according to researchers from the University of Colorado. The U.K. Environment Agency has warned of a potential drought in England this summer after record low rainfall in […]