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2304 search results for: Clean Water Act


The Stream, December 27: California Closes in on Driest Year Ever

Water Supply It is likely that California will record its driest year ever in 2013, and dry conditions are expected to continue for the third winter in a row, USA Today reported. The dry conditions are expected to create water shortages for farmers and will increase the risk of large wildfires next year. An article […]


The Stream, December 20: Brazil Dam Combines Energy Goals with River Stewardship

Water and Energy At the binational Itaipú hydropower dam on the Paraná River between Brazil and Paraguay, environmental and social activists are working with energy companies to protect and restore the watershed for the benefit of residents and future power generation, Inter Press Service reported. Though activists are not completely satisfied with the program, they […]


Air Pollution: Eastern China Becomes A Smoker’s Lounge

Did you miss Circle of Blue’s reporting on how cleaning up the power sector – namely coal – and reducing energy demand would clear the air and provide water benefits? Not to worry; Brett Walton gives an update on the current smog situation and how a recent report may provide solutions.


The Stream, November 18: China Says Environment Will Be Bigger Priority

Pollution New reforms revealed by China last week point to a shift in priorities that puts more emphasis on issues like environmental protection, rather than economic growth “at all costs”, Reuters reported. In an effort to clean up the country’s water and air, the Chinese government said it will hold local authorities responsible for pollution, […]


The Stream, November 13: Amazon Deforestation Could Cause U.S. Droughts

Sierra Nevada snowpack could drop 50 percent if the entire Amazon rainforest was cut down, according to a Princeton study that explored the effects of Amazon deforestation on the climate of other regions. While it is unlikely the entire Amazon will be cut, researchers say the study points out important connections between deforestation and water […]


The Stream, October 22: China’s Unrelenting Hydropower Growth

Hydropower In an effort to move toward cleaner renewable energy, China is turning to huge hydropower projects and is currently adding 15 gigawatts of capacity each year, the Guardian reported. While the projects may cut coal’s share of energy production, they could also cause the displacement of thousands of people and alter river environments. Egypt, […]


Who Will Pay for Disposal? Drug Companies Lose Against Local Governments in California and Washington

Though there still is no continuous national program to properly dispose of the 10 to 40 percent of prescription and over-the-counter medications that go unused, a few local governments in California and Washington are leading the charge to find sustainable funding sources.