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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, February 9: Is Shale Gas a ‘Bridge Fuel’?

A new study into the carbon footprint of shale gas operations adds more fuel to the debate about the technique’s environmental record, the journal Nature reported. According to the report, natural gas operations could leak enough methane to tarnish shale gas’s image as a cleaner alternative to coal. Floods Rivers in Bulgaria and Greece burst […]


The Stream, February 8: U.S. Encourages Shale Gas in Bulgaria

Bulgaria should pursue shale gas in order to achieve energy independence, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a visit to the country, according to EurActiv. In January, Bulgaria placed a moratorium on the use of hydraulic fracturing, which forces large quantities of chemicals and water into shale gas formations underground to release […]


Federal Water Tap, February 6: Water and National Security

The director of national intelligence said that during the next decade water issues abroad will affect America’s national security, according to an on-the-record report to a special Senate committee on intelligence. In his annual threat assessment, James Clapper told the committee that “water shortages and pollution will probably negatively affect the economic performance of important […]


The Stream, February 3: Fixing U.S. Water Infrastructure

It will take $US 1 trillion over the next 25 years to fix the water infrastructure in the United States, according to an estimate by the American Water Works Association, Bloomberg News reported. Energy PetroChina purchased a 20 percent stake in a Canadian shale gas project, strengthening China’s presence in North America’s energy markets, according […]


The Stream, February 2: Argentina’s Drought

Shallow canals and low water levels in Argentina have grounded two bulk carriers, causing significant delays in the country’s major grains terminal, MercoPress reported. Concerns about water levels have prompted Argentina and Uruguay to agree to dredge the Martin Garcia canal deeper as the inevitable expansion of the Panama Canal will give rise to a […]


Economics and Water Concerns Alter the Solar Landscape in the US West

The falling price of photovoltaic panels and public concerns about aquifers and rivers in the western United States are boosting solar energy technologies that save water. In December, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) approved a 300-megawatt (MW) solar energy project on public land in southwestern Arizona on condition that the developer changes the […]


The Stream, January 31: Mining and Food Production

Australia’s first law intended to protect prime agricultural land from mining has come into effect in Queensland, ABC reported. Though the law covers about 4 percent of the state’s land, critics say it will only apply to open-pit mining and not cover underground mining, exploration work or coal seam gas (coal-bed methane) production. Australia is […]


The Stream, January 30: U.S. Natural Gas Reserves

Just how much natural gas is there in the United States? A recent report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration has sharply decreased previous estimates. The New York Times looks at the potential scenarios for the energy industry. The European Union has adequate legislation on shale gas exploration, according to a study commissioned by the […]


Federal Water Tap, January 30: Nuclear Waste and Drought

Haste and Waste The Commission on America’s Nuclear Future released its report on how to handle the nation’s growing pile of nuclear waste. Co-chaired by Lee Hamilton, a former Congressman, and Brent Scowcroft, a former National Security Advisor, the commission made numerous recommendations that would require action from the administration or Congress. Since halting work […]


The Stream, January 26: The Shale Boom and the Economy

The International Energy Agency will make shale gas recommendations in its upcoming global energy report this fall, Financial Post reported. U.S. Shale Boom U.S. President Barack Obama pushed support for shale gas drilling and clean energy technology in his State of the Union address. Bloomberg gives the highlights. Meanwhile, North Dakota’s shale oil boom has […]