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2304 search results for: Clean Water Act


TIM: This Is Mongolia

Paved roads are still a rarity in this country, which is larger than Alaska and where 1.2 million people – 40 percent of the resident population – earn their keep herding livestock.


Breaking India’s Cycle of Waste and Risk

Small-scale projects offer solutions to India’s water, food, and energy choke points. Still, India’s government seems determined to duplicate the frantic program of industrial development, economic growth, centralization, and one-size-fits-all silver bullets that China and the West are pursuing. The consequence is an endemic pattern of resource waste that is firmly embedded in India’s political system, causing economic and ecological havoc.


In Great Lakes, Reports Offer Reassurance and Warnings About Oil Pipeline Safety

Three studies reach differing conclusions about the vulnerability of water and land Photo courtesy Michigan Department of Natural Resources Oil is cleaned off a bird at a animal rehabilitation center following the 2010 oil spill near Marshall, Michigan. The largest inland spill in U.S. history originated from Enbridge's ruptured Line 6B. Click image to enlarge. […]


TIQ: This Is Qatar

Except for energy, virtually every other feature of Qatar’s national existence comes from someplace else.


The Stream, March 29: Drought Continues in Northeast Brazil

While Brazil’s major crop growing areas are producing a record soybean harvest, the country’s northeast region is still suffering a severe drought, Aljazeera reported. This photo slideshow focuses on the heavy toll being paid by cattle ranchers. Pollution Clean-Up China is setting aside $US 16 billion over the next three years to reduce pollution in […]