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232 search results for: Mekong


The Stream, August 15: Cholera Spreads in Somalia

A cholera epidemic is spreading in drought- and famine-hit Somalia, Reuters reported, citing the World Health Organization. Although seasonal cholera outbreaks are not unusual for the country, the number of cases is two to three times higher than last year. Pollution Authorities in China’s northeastern city of Dalian ordered the immediate shutdown of a chemical […]


The Stream, August 4: The Debt Deal and the Environment

The debt deal reached by the White House and the U.S. Congress will likely slash the funding for many energy and environmental programs for years to come, including those dealing with fuel cells, wind and nuclear energy, as well as drinking water and pollution monitoring efforts, according to Yale Environment 360. Mother Jones gives more […]


Federal Water Tap, July 25: Tar Sands Pipeline Review

Pipeline Update The State Department expects to release a final environmental impact statement next month for the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, a department official said on Friday during a teleconference from Washington, D.C. After the final EIS is released, federal agencies will have 90 days to comment on whether building the 1,700-mile pipeline […]


The Stream, April 20: Damming the Rivers

Despite international pressure to freeze the development of the controversial Xayaburi Dam on the Lower Mekong, energy-hungry Laos is determined to forge ahead with the construction of the $3.5 billion hydropower project, which is expected to generate 8 percent of Southeast Asia’s power by 2025, Reuters reports. Chinadialogue gives more background information. Damming the Rivers […]


Federal Water Tap, April 18: Energy in the Western U.S.

Energy in the West Several federal agencies are mulling permits for energy projects. The U.S. Forest Service is considering making more than 660,000 acres in western Nevada’s Humboldt-Toiyabe forest available for geothermal leasing. A draft environment impact statement (EIS) is being prepared for release in October. The Bureau of Land Management has released a final […]


The Stream, April 15: Regulating the Natural Gas Industry

Cuba’s worst drought in 50 years has depleted reservoirs by about 80 percent and forced the government to deliver water in Havana with trucks, UPI reports. The Cuban capital’s water supply infrastructure is in need of a major overhaul, as 70 percent its water pipes are leaking. Shale Gas Several Democratic senators have urged the […]


The Stream, March 4: Water + Energy

With just a few days before China unveils its development plan for the next five years, should the world’s biggest energy consumer rein in its energy intensity targets to reflect its current reduction capacity or should it pump up its goals? Chinadialogue presents two opposing views. Indian activists are up in arms over a U.S. […]


The Stream, March 3: South Africa’s Energy Mix

Members of South Africa’s Parliament are pushing for the country to wean its dependence on coal-fired power plants and instead invest more in clean energy development, power saving and the nuclear sector. The proposal triggered a debate in Parliament about the country’s future energy portfolio. Water and carbon emissions will be top environmental priorities in […]


The Stream, March 1: What’s Choking China’s Growth?

Pollution and growing demand for resources threaten to halt China’s economic growth, according to the country’s environment minister. The unusually blunt warning comes just a few days before the start of China’s annual parliament session, which will unveil the country’s development plan for the next five years. What else is choking China’s growth — follow […]


The Stream, February 10: Hydropower Push

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a draft plan outlining how it will go about examining the risks of shale extraction. Though several American cities have banned hydraulic fracturing over worries for water contamination, drilling for oil and gas is enjoying a bonanza in several U.S. states. Growing opposition to an open pit gold mining […]