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276 search results for: Nile


A Crash Course in Urban Watersheds

Cities are ecosystems too. Image by Codi Kozacek/ Circle of Blue Not far from Chesapeake Bay, Gwynns Falls runs through urban Baltimore. The river carries pollutants from sewage, pharmaceuticals, and fertilizers.Click image to enlarge. This past Tuesday, I arrived in Baltimore as part of the Logan Science Journalism program’s environmental course—a 2-week fellowship based at […]


The Stream, April 23: First U.S. City to Directly Recycle Wastewater for Drinking in Texas

Africa Ethiopia decided not to accept financial help from Egypt for funding the Grand Renaissance dam on the Nile River, Reuters reported. The decision gives Ethiopia complete control over the controversial hydropower project, which Egypt has opposed due to concerns about water availability downstream. Seismic testing for oil is slated to begin April 26 in […]


The Stream, March 20: Water Cleanup Halted at Fukushima Due to Malfunctions

Asia Water cleanup systems meant to decrease the radioactivity of wastewater at Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant have malfunctioned, prompting the Tokyo Electric Power Company to suspend water cleanup operations, the Japan Times reported. One of the three systems was not sufficiently reducing levels of radioactive substances in the water, and officials stopped the […]


The Stream, January 8: Geoengineering to Cut Climate Change Could Cut Rainfall Instead

Climate Change Introducing large quantities of sulfate particles into Earth’s atmosphere in an effort to simulate large volcanic eruptions and keep global temperatures from rising could have the unintended consequence of greatly reducing rainfall in parts of the world, the Guardian reported, citing a new study published in Environmental Research Letters. The study showed that […]


The Stream, December 11: Australia’s Government Removes Murray-Darling From Threatened Ecosystem List

Australia’s federal environment minister will no longer need to evaluate the ecological implications of large development projects for the Murray-Darling River’s floodplains, wetlands and groundwater, the Guardian reported. The federal government’s lower house voted to remove the ecosystem from a list of threatened environments, a status that some members said created unnecessary red tape. Dams […]


The Stream, November 6: Texas Votes to Release $US 2 Billion for Water

Average levels of global carbon dioxide reached another record high in 2012, according to results published Wednesday by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization, the Guardian reported. Climate change driven by rising CO2 levels is expected to create more frequent and severe droughts and storms around the world. United States Texas will now be able […]


The Stream, October 22: China’s Unrelenting Hydropower Growth

Hydropower In an effort to move toward cleaner renewable energy, China is turning to huge hydropower projects and is currently adding 15 gigawatts of capacity each year, the Guardian reported. While the projects may cut coal’s share of energy production, they could also cause the displacement of thousands of people and alter river environments. Egypt, […]


On the Trail of the Tiny & Troublesome Great Lakes Microplastic

Circle of Blue reporter Codi Kozacek talks with scientists who are uncovering millions of microscopic plastic beads in the Great Lakes. Photo courtesy of Lorena Rios-Mendoza Tiny pieces of blue, white and green plastic are visible in a water sample taken from Lake Erie.Click image to enlarge. A research team sailing on a replica tall-ship […]