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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, February 6: Southern India States Struggle Amid Drought

The Global Rundown Droughts in Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu have caused water shortages and tensions. The Philippines ordered the closure of nearly two dozen nickel mines, citing concerns about watersheds. Water experts in Pakistan called on the government to devote more attention to water policy. Airstrikes cut off the main water supply to Raqqa, […]


The Stream, January 25: Climate Change Brings Floods, Droughts, and Melting Glaciers to Europe

The Global Rundown A new study predicts Europe will experience more floods, droughts, and glacier-melting temperatures as climate change progresses. The Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines are back on the table after U.S. President Donald Trump signed executive orders reviving the projects. Protest camps are popping up along Florida’s Suwannee River in opposition […]


Kenya’s Drought Worsens in the Wake of Below-Average Rainfall

The Rundown Low rainfall levels in late 2016 have intensified drought conditions in Kenya, leading to food and water insecurity in arid and semi-arid regions. The drought has already triggered livestock deaths, crop failure, and school closures. This month, the Kenyan government warned that without urgent and appropriate action, Kenya risks conditions similar to the […]


The Stream, January 18: Famine Risk In Somalia As Drought Cuts Food Security

The Global Rundown Drought and conflict could once again tip Somalia into famine, according to the United Nations and early warning agencies. An outbreak of typhoid in Zimbabwe’s capital has highlighted the city’s water and sanitation problems. A growing demand for lithium, used for products like electric car batteries, could pressure water supplies in the […]


The Stream, January 4: Bolivia Drought Hinders Schools, Hospitals

The Global Rundown A severe drought in Bolivia is forcing schools to close early and is limiting medical procedures at hospitals in La Paz. The snowpack survey in California is below average, but more winter storms are on the way. A start-up incubator in California is calling for new ideas to confront water scarcity around […]


The Stream, November 28: Madagascar Drought Raises Specter Of Famine

The Global Rundown Food shortages driven by consecutive years of drought could deteriorate into a famine affecting more than a quarter million people in Madagascar. A drought in Zimbabwe has highlighted shortfalls in Harare’s water infrastructure, and a deepening drought in the southeastern United States may dry up water supplies in some small towns. Officials […]


The Stream, November 25: Wildfires Rage In Drought-Hit Peru

The Global Rundown Thousands of hectares are burning in Peru as wildfires spurred by drought and strong winds sweep across the country. Millions of people still need emergency food assistance in southern Africa after a severe drought, and conditions are expected to worsen. A new report details the Arctic’s rapidly changing climate, which could shift […]


The Stream, September 26: Tunisia Drought Triggers Protests

The Global Rundown Farmers in Tunisia are protesting water shortages wrought by a drought and a neglected water management system. Severe drought conditions across Connecticut and other New England states have drawn down rivers and groundwater levels, forcing some communities to impose water restrictions or truck in supplies. Fighting in Aleppo, Syria cut water supplies […]