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3450 search results for: drought


Paris Agreements Will Implement Climate Action On The Ground

Supporting deals focus on low-carbon energy, natural resource protection, and disaster risk reduction. Photo courtesy UNclimatechange via Flickr Creative Commons Approximately 25,000 official delegates from countries and organizations around the world are in Paris to negotiate the first legally binding global climate accord. Additional deals aim to make the overarching agreement a reality. Countries, businesses, […]


The Stream, December 3: World Has Lost A Third Of Its Arable Land

The Global Rundown Soil degradation caused by erosion and pollution has led to the loss of a third of the world’s arable land, a new study found. Drought and frosts in Papua New Guinea are spreading hunger and disease. A crowd-funded project in India is reviving drinking water sources and helping farmers. Wastewater plants could […]


U.S. Military Aims to Improve Water Security, Climate Resilience

Initiatives show military sees serious climate and water security risks. Photo © Codi Kozacek / Circle of Blue Helping nations prepare for and respond to droughts, floods, and storms is now one of 11 primary efforts outlined in the overall strategy for the U.S. military’s Pacific Command, which covers the Asia-Pacific region. In discussions at […]


Paris Negotiators Expected to Reach First Global Climate Pact

Momentum for a deal is strong. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue Bill McKibben, co-founder of ““Paris is the scoreboard more than the game,” he says. “The results will reflect how much movement pressure we’ve built since Copenhagen.” Click image to enlarge. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue French authorities issued […]


The Stream, November 26: 2015 Will Be Hottest Year On Record

The Global Rundown This year will almost certainly be the hottest on record, the World Meteorological Organization announced, and global carbon emissions slowed last year, increasing 0.5 percent. Alaska and British Columbia signed an agreement to improve water quality monitoring in transboundary waters, focusing on mine development in the wake of the Mount Polley mine […]


Great Lakes States Take Halting Steps Toward Water Protections

Governments in the nation’s most water-rich region are responding to public pressure over high-profile water pollution concerns, but have left fundamental policy changes largely untouched. Photo courtesy Joshua Mayer via Flickr Creative Commons A petition filed by 16 Wisconsin citizens to the U.S. EPA last month claims budget cuts and changes to state law have […]