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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, November 4: Developing Countries Bear Environmental Burdens, UNDP Report Says

Developing countries are bearing the brunt of environmental burdens — including drought, water pollution and extreme weather — with little help from prosperous countries, according to the United Nations Development Program’s newest annual report on worldwide quality of life, the Associated Press reported. The report also says that progress made in these developing countries could […]


The Stream, November 2: Weather Extremes Will Worsen

Costly weather extremes such as drought and floods are becoming more prevalent as climate change progresses, the Associated Press reported, citing a draft of a new study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The growing populations in vulnerable locations around the world will likely exacerbate the problem. Only 5 percent of the $97 billion […]


Federal Water Tap, October 31: Open Government and Flood Money

That Record Does (Not) Exist This item is not explicitly about water, but it does touch on a basic tool for keeping the government honest. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA, for short) requires federal agencies to provide records at the public’s request, with certain exemptions for things like classified documents. The Department of Justice, […]


Plumbing WikiLeaks: Saudi Arabia Fears Iranian Nuclear Meltdown and Potential Terrorism to Desalination

Classified cables show that Saudi and U.S. officials believe water supplies along the Persian Gulf are at high-risk for terrorist attacks and possible contamination from nearby nuclear plants. This is the first of a new series that will analyze the water-related U.S. embassy cables published by WikiLeaks.


The Stream, October 27: China’s Desalination Plans

A program in California’s Imperial Valley offers farmers money to keep their land fallow and divert water to thirsty cities like San Diego, Los Angeles and Palm Springs, The New York Times reported. Drought and water pollution are creating a nightmare scenario worldwide, according to, which attempts to summarize the main dimensions of the […]


The Stream, October 24: Climate Science

An independent investigation by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, found no grounds for climate skeptics’ concerns about global warming figures, the Guardian reported. The study compiled more than a billion temperature records dating back to the 1800s from 15 sources around the world and found that the average global land temperature has risen […]


Federal Water Tap, October 24: Shale Gas and the Power of Water

Wastewater Standards The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a schedule for regulating wastewater from shale gas drilling and from coalbed methane extraction. The agency will publish draft rules for public comment in 2013 for coalbed methane and in 2014 for shale gas. The longer timetable for shale gas owes to the greater amount of data […]


The Stream, October 21: Trapped by Climate Change

Climate change may threaten rural livelihoods and force millions of people to move to vulnerable, ill-prepared cities, The New York Times reported, citing a British government study. United States Cities across the United States are drastically raising water prices to pay for fixes to their crumbling water infrastructure, Bloomberg reported. In Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel […]


The Stream, October 19: Drought Unleashes Red Tide in Texas Gulf

The largest red tide algae bloom since 2000 is gripping the Texas Gulf Coast, the Associated Press reported. The prolonged Texas drought this year kept freshwater from reaching the Gulf, raising the salinity levels in which the algae thrive. Despite record-breaking rainfall in October, 99 percent of Texas remains under severe drought conditions, Think Progress […]


The Stream, October 13: Australian MPs Pass Carbon Tax Bill

Australia’s lower house of parliament narrowly passed a historic bill to cut carbon emissions and introduce a national carbon tax scheme, the Guardian reported. Though the Senate is almost certain to follow, opposition leaders said they would repeal the bill if elected. Meanwhile, China said it would introduce a national resource tax next month, BusinessGreen […]