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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, August 22: World Water Week 2011

Deutsche Welle highlights some of the pressing topics on the agenda of this year’s World Water Week in Stockholm, which over the next six days will focus on the growing challenges of securing water for the world’s booming urban areas. Efforts to boost agricultural production to feed the world’s rising population could lead to widespread […]


Federal Water Tap, August 22: Water Quality and Research

Lake Tahoe Agreement At a summit on Lake Tahoe’s water quality, the governors of California and Nevada and a regional administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency signed an agreement to improve the lake’s clarity. The agreement sets a plan to reduce pollution from four sources, the most significant of which is urban stormwater runoff. […]


The Stream, August 17: Invasive Species in Lake Michigan

Has Lake Michigan become unfishable? The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the lake is now “a liquid desert” as overfishing and the invasive quagga mussels have decimated its fish population. High global food prices and price volatility have compounded the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa, according to the World Bank Group’s latest Food […]


The Stream, August 16: Climate Refugees

The deltas of the the Mekong, Irrawaddy, Niger, Nile, Mississippi, Ganges-Brahmaputra and the Yangtze rivers contain some of the largest, most vulnerable populations to climate change. Lester Brown explores how raging storms and rising seas will create climate refugees around the globe. Agriculture vs. Industry Is genetically modified corn for ethanol production in the United […]


Federal Water Tap, August 15: Making Water Investments

The Price of Restoration As part of the Everglades restoration project, the Department of Agriculture announced it would allocate $100 million to the state of Florida under the Wetlands Reserve Program, the Miami Herald reports. The money will be paid to ranchers in four counties northwest of Lake Okeechobee who give up development rights on […]


The Stream, August 12: DOE Advisory Panel Releases Natural Gas Report

A draft report by the U.S. Energy Department’s natural gas advisory subcommittee urged regulators to require natural gas drillers to release more information about the environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing, even though the risk of water pollution from the technique is “remote,” Reuters reported. Meanwhile, scientists from 22 universities have questioned the integrity of the […]


The Stream, August 5: Food Aid for Africa

Support for farmers in Africa dried up long before Somalia’s famine, The Atlantic argues, when international donors walked away from long-term agricultural-development efforts in the continent. Meanwhile, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos said the famine in two areas of southern Somalia could spread throughout the region unless the humanitarian response grows soon. […]


The Stream, August 4: The Debt Deal and the Environment

The debt deal reached by the White House and the U.S. Congress will likely slash the funding for many energy and environmental programs for years to come, including those dealing with fuel cells, wind and nuclear energy, as well as drinking water and pollution monitoring efforts, according to Yale Environment 360. Mother Jones gives more […]