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423 search results for: bottled water


Federal Water Tap, September 16: National Water Census Update

Countdown The first products from the National Water Census will be estimates of water flows in rivers without gauges and estimates of evapotranspiration, according to a congressional briefing led by the U.S. Geological Survey. Required in the SECURE Water Act of 2009, the census will be a comprehensive survey of national water use and availability, […]


The Stream, September 4: Cataloguing Water Resources in the Middle East

A new document released by the United Nations inventories shared water resources in the Middle East, providing detailed data to encourage cooperative water management, AlertNet reported. The inventory also notes that the region’s water quality is declining. Water Quality A toxic spill in China’s Fu River caused spiking ammonia levels and resulted in thousands of […]


The Stream, June 20: Assessing Water-Energy Relationships in Jordan

Water and Energy To improve decision-making about water and energy, researchers at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs have developed a method for analyzing links between countries’ water and energy resources, as well as the institutions and stakeholders that manage these resources. Their study, which applies the method to Jordan, was published […]


The Stream, May 3: Safe Drinking Water Threatened in Bangladesh

The salinity of Bangladesh’s water supply is increasing, especially in coastal areas, due to sea level rise and natural disasters like floods and cyclones, according to a World Bank study, AlertNet reported. Families in remote areas sometimes have to walk miles to get safe drinking water. U.S. Water Supply The final measure of California snowpack […]


The Stream, January 28: Drinking Water from the Depths

U.S. environmental regulators often consider water in mile-deep aquifers too deep for regular use, so they often grant permits allowing energy and mining companies to inject pollutants directly into the aquifers. Mexico City now plans to extract drinking water from a mile-deep aquifer of its own, ProPublica reported, challenging the premise of U.S. regulators’ pollution-permitting […]


The Stream, January 4: Water, Agriculture Investments on the Rise

Investors funneled more money into the remains woefully underfunded. Detroit, for example, will be $US 84 billion short of the funding it needs to properly upgrade its sewer system over the next eight years, PBS NewsHour reported. Banning the Bottle Concord, NH, became the first U.S. town to highest water content of any ever analyzed. […]


Preparing for Isaac Means Hoarding Water

Circle of Blue reporter Codi Yeager-Kozacek, a native Michigander now living in southern Alabama, is having her first taste of a hurricane. Image courtesy of The Weather Channel Click the image to track Isaac with an interactive tool from The Weather Channel Growing up in Northern Michigan, piles of snow, icy roads, and short-term power […]


Clean, Affordable Water is a Problem in This Country

While almost everyone in the United States has clean, reliable drinking water, some people are left behind. And with the economy as it is and the cost of infrastructure going up, more may struggle in the future. “Inadequate access to drinking water” is a clinical phrase that appears in official statements and in United Nations […]


The Stream, June 5: Climate Change, Water, and Electricity

Investments Because climate change will make rivers warmer and reduce their flow, the generating capacity for coal-fired and nuclear power plants—which rely on water for cooling—will decrease by between 4 and 16 percent in the U.S. and between 6 and 19 percent in Europe in the years 2031-2060, Reuters reports, citing a study published in […]