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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, September 8: Data Needed to Track UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Global Rundown Better data is necessary to achieve the new United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, according to experts. Researchers in Germany are creating biodegradable drugs to clean up waterways. California’s impressive water conservation performance is raising hopes about a new path to water sustainability. India’s Maharashtra state is considering a ban on sugarcane plantings […]


The Stream, September 2: El Nino Could Be Strongest on Record But Arctic Warming Complicates Forecasts

The Global Rundown The eastern Pacific Ocean continues to warm, but predicting rainfall is an uncertain business. India’s subpar monsoon leads to water cuts in the country’s largest city, and drought in Zambia prompts power cuts to save water. Meanwhile, water managers in Australia reckon that an idled desalination plant might be back in service […]


The Stream, August 31: Chinese Officials Discuss Measures to Curb Water Pollution

The Global Rundown China’s top executive body addresses drinking water pollution. A grandiose engineering project in India faces delay. Cuba, in a drought, will shoot chemicals into clouds, to induce rain. Alaska’s glaciers are getting baked. Infrastructure is an emerging issue in Canada’s national election. “This election is a clear choice between smart investments that […]


The Stream, August 28: Judge Stops U.S. Clean Water Rule

The Global Rundown A federal judge in North Dakota placed an injunction on the new federal Clean Water Rule, which is scheduled to take effect today. Extreme droughts, like the one in Central Europe this year, could become more common in the region. Hydropower development in India threatens habitat for the Tibetan crane, California met […]