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2304 search results for: Clean Water Act


Drinking From The Sea

Pressed by growing urban populations, drier and warmer climates and the need to fortify supplies stretched by the increasing worldwide thirst, metropolitan and national governments on five continents are building record numbers of industrial plants to use a nearly alchemic technology to produce drinking water from the sea.


Natural Gas Politics

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica Four years after Vice President Dick Cheney spearheaded a massive energy bill that exempted natural gas drilling from federal clean water laws, Congress is having second thoughts about the environmental dangers posed by the burgeoning industry. With growing evidence that the drilling can damage water supplies, Democratic leaders in Congress are […]


Students Compete for Best Fount of Knowledge

At St. Mary’s University in Minnesota, a sip from the campus drinking fountains will have you swallowing more than water. In a college-wide competition, students have a month to adopt a fountain and decorate it creatively with facts and processes concerning drinking water. Katie LaPlant, chairwoman of the Adopt a Water Fountain Committee at St. […]


States Remedy Polluted Ohio River

When officials found high fecal counts in the Ohio River, they decided to initiate a clean-up effort. Now six states — including Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and West Virginia — are participating in the 475-mile makeover. According to the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission the river reached its current state of pollution due […]


Overcoming the sanitation stigma: An interview with author Rose George

In an interview with Circle of Blue, freelance journalist and author Rose George explores the politics of sanitation. She discusses sanitation’s crucial but linguistically fickle role in social dialogue. George elaborates on the history of sanitation both above and below the equator, as well as touching on recent successes and failures. Her new book — […]