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2304 search results for: Clean Water Act


Environmental assessment could help military gain ground

Not only does war cost human lives, but it also degrades human habitats — causing, among other crises, severe water pollution and infrastructure damage. A recent RAND corporation study explores the costs of conflict on the environment and the benefits of implementing clean-up strategies. The report examines connections between the presence of U.S. troops in […]


Terrence O’Brien: Keeping Chicago hydrated

Chicago’s master plumber strives for innovative and effective water treatment solutions by Aaron Jaffe Circle of Blue CHICAGO — One-hundred-nine miles of tunnel 300-feet underground, 26 pumping stations, seven treatment facilities,1.4 billion gallons of wastewater a day: it’s all under the oversight of one man. Plumbing the sewers for some 5.3 million people, Terrence O’Brien […]


New York’s Gas Rush Poses Environmental Threat

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica On May 29 New York state’s top environmental officials assured state lawmakers that plans to drill for natural gas near the watershed that supplies New York City’s drinking water posed little danger. A survey of other states had found “not one instance of drinking water contamination” from the water-intensive, horizontal drilling […]


Starbucks introduces environmentally friendly coffee

Starbucks Middle East has introduced Columbia Narino El Tambo gourmet coffee across the region. Growers in El Tambo,near the upper slopes of Colombia’s Volcan Galeras, use environmentally friendly agricultural practices that help maintain clean ground water. Read more here. source: Drinks Business Review Online


South African Mine Displaces Thousands

LONDON – Mines operated by the world’s biggest platinum producer Anglo Platinum have displaced thousands of South Africans, who have lost access to farmland and clean water, pressure group ActionAid said on Tuesday in a report. ActionAid said it has asked the South African Human Rights Commission to investigate the issues, including independent tests showing […]


To tap or not to tap…

We take for granted the privilege of safe drinking water right from the tap, a privilege that millions around the world don’t share. In fact, lack of clean drinking water is the second largest worldwide killer of children under five with more than 5,000 children dying each day from water-borne diseases. And lack of sanitation, […]


China Faces Reign of Sand

INNER MONGOLIA, CHINA (January 21, 2008) – Furious dust and sandstorms from Inner Mongolia cripple airports, darken skies, and choke millions of people across East Asia every spring. According to “Reign of Sand,” the new multimedia report from Circle of Blue, the storms are growing in intensity and frequency, and the primary causes are deepening drought in […]


I Wish, I Will

NEW YORK — The three-day Clinton Global Initiative concluded with a flurry of new commitments including a five-year, $4 billion pledge by Pacific Gas & Electric and Ausra to build solar thermal generating stations that both companies says is cost-competitive with fossil fuel generation. California-based Ausra will build at least 1,000 megawatts of solar power plants and PG&E will purchase at least 1,000 megawatts of solar thermal, and the deal will eliminate over 36 million tons of CO2 emissions in California and neighboring states over the next 20 years. Other projects announced here were these:


Great Lakes Shrinking?

As drought grips much of the nation, the mighty Great Lakes are shrinking, the New York Times reports today, expanding upon an AP story published August 3 that also said Lake Superior is getting warmer. By Felicity Barringer, New York Times (Aug 14, 2007) – Water levels in the three upper Great Lakes are wavering […]