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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, June 13: Drought in England

England experienced its driest spring in a century last month, leaving fields parched and many rivers at record low levels, the Guardian reported, citing the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Meanwhile, Scotland had its wettest spring on record for the period of March, April and May. Downpours in two of China’s drought-hit provinces have caused […]


Infographic: Interactive Timeline Mapping China’s Drought-ridden Provinces Since 2007

Water scarcity is becoming an increasingly persistent problem for China, with droughts affecting several regions over the last four years. This spring’s extreme weather is the latest in a series of water shortages, exposing the risks that limited freshwater resources pose for the world’s biggest agricultural producer, top energy consumer, and fastest-growing industrial economy. Click […]


The Stream, June 8: Australian LNG

Australia’s liquefied natural gas industry is on course for a “golden age,” with the sector posed to bring the country’s economy $38.5 billion by 2020, UPI reports, citing a new International Energy Agency report on global gas use. The North Carolina House of Representatives has passed a bill that calls for a study of the […]


Peter Gleick: Whither Bottled Water Sales?

Major public campaigns against bottled water had recently been initiated by students, activist groups, local communities, and even some restaurateurs, including several high-profile ones in the Bay Area and the two-year drop in sales after years of double-digit annual growth was perceived by some, including me, as an indication that the unchallenged claims of the industry were beginning to be met with skepticism, education, and consumer reaction.


Federal Water Tap, June 6: Water Assessments

US Forest Service Maps its Waters For the past few years, through the marbled halls of government and the glass towers of multi-lateral development agencies, a conservationist buzz phrase has resonated: ecosystem services. The term designates the things nature does—like scrub the air and pollinate flowers—that benefit humans. For forests, one of the key functions […]


The Stream, June 2: Brazil Backs Belo Monte Dam

Brazil’s environment agency gave a go-ahead for the construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, slated as a crucial energy source for Brazil’s fast-growing economy but frowned upon by native Indians and environmental groups, Reuters reports. South Africa South Africa has appointed a bulk raw water provider to oversee a short-term project to clean up […]


The Stream, May 31: Turkey’s Massive Water Projects

India and Pakistan are in the midst of talks to reduce troops situated above the Siachen Glacier in the northern part of the disputed Kashmir region, Reuters reports. The glacier is also a source of melt water for Pakistan’s rivers. Turkey is building scores of dams, hydropower schemes and nuclear power plants, the Guardian reports. […]


Federal Water Tap, May 31: Regulations. Lots of Regulations.

Arizona’s Water-Energy Union On the Ropes On May 24, a House Natural Resources subcommittee held a hearing on the fate of one of the largest power plants in the West. The Environmental Protection Agency is considering air pollution regulations for Arizona’s Navajo Generating Station, a power plant that provides nearly all of the electricity to […]