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232 search results for: Mekong


The Stream, February 21, 2020: China Releases Water from Upper Mekong Dams to Aid Drought-Stricken Downstream Nations

The Global Rundown China releases water from its Mekong River dams to increase flows to parched downstream neighbors. Scientists warn that more frequent wildfires in the western U.S. could fuel water shortages, creating a vicious cycle. California’s Sierra Nevada snowpack hovers around half of normal. A federal judge approves a $69.5 million settlement between the […]


Federal Water Tap, November 11: State Department Notes Mekong River Tensions

The Rundown The EPA proposes waivers to extend coal ash compliance deadlines. The CDC tallies a large increase in Legionnaires’ disease cases last year. A State Department report on the Indo-Pacific region highlights tensions in the Mekong River basin. The EPA selects five PFAS chemicals for a toxicity assessment. The Interior Department develops a permanent […]


The Stream, May 3: Mekong Shipping Plan Raises Protest In Thailand

The Global Rundown Conservation groups in Thailand warn fisheries and farms are at risk from a Chinese plan to dredge and alter the Mekong River to make way for larger ships. Drinking water systems serving millions of Americans, many of them in rural areas, have violated U.S. water laws, a report found. California’s levees are […]


The Stream, April 19: Half of Mekong Delta Could Face Water Shortages

The Global Rundown The worst drought in nearly a century could cause water shortages in large swaths of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. Severe malnutrition cases are increasing among children in Somalia, where a drought is contributing to food shortages. India plans to tackle water demand to fight scarcity. Queensland announced a ban on underground […]