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144 search results for: US Sugar


The Stream, September 8: Data Needed to Track UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Global Rundown Better data is necessary to achieve the new United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, according to experts. Researchers in Germany are creating biodegradable drugs to clean up waterways. California’s impressive water conservation performance is raising hopes about a new path to water sustainability. India’s Maharashtra state is considering a ban on sugarcane plantings […]


The Stream, May 8: Environmental Groups Sue California Over Oil Industry Waste Water Injection

The Global Rundown Sugarcane farmers in India have been asked to irrigate more efficiently. Australian almond farmers are upping production as Californian competitors are weakened by drought and Asian demand rises. Speaking of California, the state is trying to monitor groundwater from the sky, and is also being sued by environmental groups for allowing the oil industry […]


Earth Pushes Back

Era of indifference greets droughts, floods, storms, tsunamis. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue India’s policy of free water and free energy to farmers is draining groundwater reserves, polluting air and rivers, and generating economy-weakening brownouts with millions of electric water pumps that irrigate rice and wheat crops so big they rot in […]


The Stream, August 23: The Struggle for Safe Drinking Water

This photo slideshow demonstrates the effects of coal extraction on water, vegetation and lifestyles in northwest China. A recent report from Greenpeace speaks out against the expansion of coal bases in the region, according to the Guardian. Safe Drinking Water Algal blooms are spreading in South Korean rivers. Although the cause of the blooms is up for […]


The Stream, August 5: Food Aid for Africa

Support for farmers in Africa dried up long before Somalia’s famine, The Atlantic argues, when international donors walked away from long-term agricultural-development efforts in the continent. Meanwhile, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos said the famine in two areas of southern Somalia could spread throughout the region unless the humanitarian response grows soon. […]


The Stream, February 3: Australia After the Storm

While a blizzard forced many in the Midwest to hole up in their homes, thousands in northern Australia evacuated ahead of the monster cyclone Yasi that raged Wednesday in the the country’s already waterlogged coastal regions. The damage to crops in Queensland pushed global commodity prices to record highs. And while The Australian published a […]