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782 search results for: Canada


The Stream, November 5, 2020: Drinking Water In Rhode Island Is Being Contaminated By Saltwater

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Scientists in Rhode Island are researching how to predict when a drinking water well will be contaminated with saltwater. A sinkhole in New Mexico reveals how groundwater system disruptions are affecting communities across the United States. Famine threatens South Sudan after flooding ravaged the country this year. Chemicals that have been banned […]


The Stream, October 2, 2020: PFAS Compounds Are Developed Faster Than Regulators Can Track Them

The Global Rundown Scientists and regulators find it difficult to track and regulate new PFAS compounds in the United States, according to researchers. A quarter of Nigeria’s projected rice harvest has been lost due to flooding. Brazil’s Pantanal wetlands continue to burn without much intervention from the government. Appellate court judges reverse a decision about […]


The Stream, September 15, 2020: Extreme Weather Events Could Be Causing High Suicide Rates in India

The Global Rundown A new study has linked skyrocketing suicide rates in rural India to extreme weather events. Nornickel in Russia says about 10 percent of fuel remains in rivers after a spill earlier this year. Five tropical storms are simultaneously moving through the Atlantic. Torrential rainfall causes a mine to collapse in the Democratic […]


Federal Water Tap, August 3: Senate Republicans’ Next Coronavirus Package Does Not Include Water Bill Aid

The Rundown Senate Republicans added energy bill assistance to their coronavirus response, but not water bill aid. Senate Democrats introduced legislation to suspend water shutoffs and provide water bill aid. A separate bill addresses environmental justice concerns regarding Clean Water Act permitting. The House passes a water infrastructure package. Paradise Irrigation District receives a FEMA […]