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2018 search results for: India


Pakistan takes India Water Row to World Bank

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan reports that India diverted a significant volume of water from the river Chenab to its Baglihar dam. After numerous talks with their neighbor nation, Pakistan now plans to take its concern to the World Bank for compensation. They claim India is in violation of the Indus Waters Treaty. According to the […]


Could privatized water provide India with a domestic answer?

JAMSHEDPUR, India — In central India lies a town whose utilities are a ‘steel’ so to speak. Thanks to industrial magnate Tata Steel, residents of Jamshedpur can get their water straight from their family faucet through Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company (JUSCO). Now JUSCO wants to take its efficient but privatized supply to the next […]


No more trips to the well, drinking straight from the tap in India

JAMSHEDPUR, India — For the first time in India, residents of Jamshedpur can get safe, potable drinking water straight from their household taps. The connections, which can cost willing residents an entire month’s salary, mark a turn in the way Indian’s receive their water. “Yes, I paid a lot of money for the connection,” Manoj […]


India and Nepal approach the water table for talks over recent flooding

Months of flooding, ravaged villages, and a destitute populous have inspired India and Nepal to try again. This week they meet in Kathmandu to resume talks over water sharing, after a four-year delay. Gathering to discuss the Kosi river breach and a possible joint ministerial committee to deal with water resources and cross-border policy, 14 […]


Information flow obstructed: Millions in flooded India lack safe drinking water

PATNA, India – The current irony of eastern India is that while water is pouring from the sky, people are almost dying of thirst. Reuters reports that the Indian government has decided to investigate a possibly negligent response to the crisis, after pleas from victims of the monsoon-stricken areas. At least 3 million people have […]


Irrigation an Irritation as Indians, Nepalis Cope with Monsoon Season

GUWAHATI, India – This year’s monsoon season in northeastern India and Nepal brings intense flooding, submerging at least one hundred villages and displacing thousands. While the rains irrigate at least 60 percent of India’s agricultural land, they also leave in their path a wake of destruction. In the past month, Reuters reports that over 200 […]


Bankers in India doing rain dance beneath money tree

INDIA — The battle against inflation in India this year has bankers praying for a healthy autumn bumper crop. But with rain levels fluctuating, predicted profits from agriculture continue to tickle and torment traders in the stock market. Inadequate irrigation techniques and lower than average rainfall remain concerns for both economists and farmers on the […]


Arsenic-laced well water poisons Indian rice supply

INDIA — The bucolic portrayal of verdant, water-soaked rice paddies may be less benign than supposed. A new study reports that well water used to flood the paddies actually contains a high level of toxic inorganic arsenic. According to the New York Times, the study, published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, suggests that […]


Writing competition challenges students to think about the future of India’s water

MUMBAI – Eco-petition, an annual student writing competition sponsored by international products company Henkel India Ltd., has announced that this year’s theme is water. A press release on reports the contest, named “”Hold your Blue Gold – My Innovative Strategy to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Water,” will gather papers from secondary school students across […]


Scarce water a developing source of conflict in India

NEW DELHI – Domestic disputes and interstate wrangles over water use might soon define the character of conflict in the country of India. In a recent report, covered by the Times of India, the industry lobby Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Assocham) announced that “conflicts over water mirror the most vexing changes the country […]