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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, August 18: Himalaya Floods Hit Northern India

India At least 28 people have died and 1,500 communities have been flooded in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state following heavy rainstorms in the Himalayas, Reuters reported. Dams in the mountains are already overflowing and exacerbating the flooding, which is expected to continue with more rain forecast for the region. A break in a major […]


The Stream, August 12: Study Finds Extreme Weather Increasing Globally

Climate Pauses in the jet stream are becoming more common and creating more extreme weather in mid-latitudes around the world, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, the Guardian reported. These “blocking” patterns have more than doubled during summers in the past decade, the research found. India’s […]


The Stream, August 11: Mine Spill Contaminates Rivers in Northern Mexico

Mining Approximately 10 million gallons of wastewater spilled from northern Mexico’s Buenavista copper mine last week, contaminating portions of the Bacanuchi and Sonora rivers, the Associated Press reported. The rivers provide water to a number of cities and towns in the region, including Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora state. The failure of a tailings dam […]


The Stream, August 7: Militants Control Iraq’s Mosul Dam

Iraq Militant forces of the Islamic State have taken over the Mosul Dam in Iraq, the country’s largest dam and a strategic control point that experts say could be used as a weapon, Bloomberg News reported. The group has used dams in the past to flood areas or withhold water and electricity, but so far […]


The Stream, August 6: Water Newest Threat in China Earthquake Zone

China A lake containing 49.6 million cubic meters of water has formed in China’s Yunnan province after an earthquake and subsequent landslides blocked rivers in the region, Reuters reported, citing Xinhua. The lake continues to grow, and 4,200 people have been evacuated to avoid a massive flood if the water breaks through the natural dam. […]